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November 10, 2011 |

Associates Class of 2011

Hiring by New Jersey law firms is on a steady swing back nearly to prerecession levels, judging by the anecdotal evidence assembled in this, our annual new-associates magazine.
112 minute read
May 26, 2008 |

The 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America

A mere 5.4% of partners at U.S. law firms were members of minority groups. For women of color, the figure was fewer than 1.7%, according to the legal placement organization NALP. But what an amazing group of people those numbers represent, and what a payoff for the firms, law schools and corporations that invested in diversity. The National Law Journal presents 50 minority lawyers who have had a national impact in their legal fields.
32 minute read
July 14, 2010 |

Victory Lap: BigLaw Partner Discusses Pair of Wins on Same-Sex Marriage

In two separate cases, a federal judge in Boston on Thursday ruled that the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) violated the Constitution by denying federal benefits to married gay men and lesbians and by forcing Massachusetts to discriminate in order to obtain federal funds for certain programs.
6 minute read
May 30, 2008 |

The A-List (51-200)

Lawyers like to lament the passing of their fabled past, when partners knew each other on sight, firms contented themselves to operating in one ZIP code and junior associates were not a menacing anonymous horde threatening to take out their frustrations via the blogosphere. As it happens, in the big-firm world those days aren't gone, they've just moved to the Am Law Second Hundred ranks, where firms are prosperous and growing steadily but retain the possibility of old-fashioned cohesion.
28 minute read
October 09, 2006 |

Fresh Recruits

Associates Class of 2006.
76 minute read

