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April 23, 2007 |

Chart: Diversity Scorecard 2007

31 minute read
March 28, 2005 |

Top Attorneys Tapped for High Court Tech Cases

Scheduled for argument at the Supreme Court on Tuesday are the widely-watched Grokster case, which asks whether peer-to-peer downloading of songs and movies violates copyright protections, and a second case that may determine which regulatory regime should govern cable Internet services. The cases have attracted top intellectual property and telecommunications lawyers -- all but one a former high court law clerk -- who are eager to participate in what could be landmarks of the digital age.
10 minute read
April 23, 2001 |

Unreal Verdicts

An examination of some big verdicts in Texas, and what eventually happened to them.
19 minute read
September 20, 2002 |

5 minute read
Robert Khuzami of the Securities and Exchange Commission Enforcement Division
Publication Date: 2010-04-22
Practice Area:
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number:

The enforcement credibility of the beleaguered agency now depends on its success in the Goldman fraud suit--the regulatory equivalent of a bet-the-company case. Good thing Khuzami has a sense of humor. He's going to need it.

October 28, 2009 |

Recoveries of $1 Million and Above

2009 Almanac - Recoveries of $1 Million and Above
45 minute read
March 22, 2004 |


When Michael Newdow tells the Supreme Court on Wednesday that the words "under God" don't belong in public schools' Pledge of Allegiance, he will truly stand alone. As of last week, Newdow, who is arguing his own case, planned to have no one with him as his battle culminates in his first oral argument before the justices. His solitary stance symbolizes his resistance to pleas that he let a Supreme Court veteran argue his case. Says Newdow: "They're stuck with me."
9 minute read
July 01, 2009 |

Playing 3-D Chess

In many of the biggest disputes from our 2009 Arbitration Scorecard, one battleground isn't enough.
18 minute read
June 27, 2001 |

Pickett's Charge

Stephen Pickett is in the midst of the biggest crisis of his career -- a disaster that could bankrupt the company he's worked for since 1978, and trash the economy of the state where he's lived his entire life. Pickett is the general counsel for Southern California Edison. With the California energy crisis raging, he is caught in a swirl of lawsuits, regulatory battles, and high-stakes negotiations.
18 minute read

