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United Airlines, Inc. v. Mesa Airlines, Inc.
Publication Date: 2000-07-25
Practice Area: civil practice : federal | contracts
Court: 7th Cir.
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number: No. 00-1110

The full case caption appears at the end of this opinion.Easterbrook, Circuit Judge. Like other major aircarriers, United has entered into code-sharingagreements with regiona

October 08, 2013 |

Who You Calling Nonessential? For Agencies, A Balancing Act

Essential versus nonessential. For millions of federal workers, it's a critical distinction, and one that agency inspectors general are likely to take a close look at once the government shutdown ends.
4 minute read
February 16, 2009 |

Markets need viable rules

Reflecting upon the financial crisis, I am struck by how popular discourse moves between the extremes of laissez-faire and government action. The basic point is that markets need rules. A lack of effective regulation has spawned four facilitators to financial scandal: dissemination of inaccurate information, abuse of regulatory gaps, exploitation of credulous consumers and the ability to use corporate size to privatize profits and socialize costs. Blocking them will be the key to avoiding future disasters.
4 minute read
December 11, 2000 |

Rugged Laptops: The SUVs of Portables

Sometimes, a hard-driving lawyer needs a computer with guts. War zones may not beckon, but there are construction sites, overhead compartments, temperature extremes and other hazards to a computer's delicate innards. Fortunately, laptops come in a variety of "rugged" versions now -- all of which must conform to U.S. Army standards. You just never know when a bulldozer's going to run over your laptop.
5 minute read
June 11, 2007 |

Facts are essential

The French prohibit government collection of data about race, ethnicity or religion, because it is inconsistent with the French ideal of "citizenship" as the only legitimate form of identity.
4 minute read
March 21, 2006 |

2nd Circuit Clarifies Standard of Review Under ERISA

The 2nd Circuit has clarified the standard of review of an administrator's denial of benefits where there are competing benefit plan descriptions. Addressing an issue of first impression under ERISA, the panel held that a company's attempt to alter the terms of a summary plan description was ineffective as to a disabled employee. One issue in dispute was whether the term "guaranteed minimum compensation" referred to a salary or was meant to be a draw on future commissions.
4 minute read
October 30, 2006 |


4 minute read
July 26, 2004 |

Clock is ticking on several lucrative drug patents

Brand-name drug makers have a lock on manufacturing biologics, a group of lucrative, protein-based drugs made from living cells and used to treat such diseases as cancer and diabetes. But the clock is ticking on many of their patents.
4 minute read
October 01, 2005 |

The Peculiar Legacy

Complicity shows how the predecessors of today's company benefited from slavery.
4 minute read

