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June 18, 2010 |

Unpublished Opinions

Unpublished state and federal court decisions.
54 minute read
October 16, 2009 |

Unpublished Opinions

Unpublished state and federal court decisions.
40 minute read
March 12, 2007 |

Digests of Unpublished Decisions

Automobile Injury 2006
404 minute read
April 30, 2012 |

The Texas 100

52 minute read
December 21, 2009 |

2009 Timeline

Highlights of the news of the 2009 Texas legal scene.
20 minute read
June 04, 2010 |

Tales From the Front Lines of Small Firm Practice

Lawyers are followers, seldom leaders and probably not cut out for entrepreneurship. So insinuated Carly Fiorina in a New York Times interview prior to her celebrated ouster as CEO of Hewlett-Packard in 2005. Up to a point, New York attorneys with an enterprising impulse surveyed by The New York Law Journal agree with Fiorina's notion of a button-down bar. Which in part is why they, too, march to different drummers and are happy being their own bosses.
17 minute read
April 05, 2010 |

Tales From the Front Lines

Lawyers are followers, seldom leaders and probably not cut out for entrepreneurship. So insinuated Carly Fiorina in a New York Times interview prior to her celebrated ouster as C.E.O. of Hewlett-Packard in 2005. Up to a point, New York attorneys of enterprising impulse surveyed by the Law Journal agree with Ms. Fiorina's notion of a button-down bar. Which in part is why they, too, march to different drummers.
20 minute read
June 30, 2003 |

Topical Index to State Case Digests

State case digest headnotes.
134 minute read