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Adusumelli v. Steiner, 08 Civ. 6932 (RJH)
Publication Date: 2010-10-04
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
Judge: Judge Richard J. Holwell
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number: 08 Civ. 6932 (RJH)

Cite as: Adusumelli v. Steiner, 08 Civ. 6932, NYLJ 1202472830800, at *1 (SDNY, Decided September 29, 2010)Judge Richard J. HolwellDecided

August 04, 2000 |

And Now, the Rest of Clinton's Clemency Story

On July 7, President Clinton commuted the sentences of five federal prisoners, four of whom were women. "The president felt they had served a disproportionate amount of time," a White House spokesman said. "They received much more severe sentences than their husbands and boyfriends." But a close look at the president's commutation poster children shows the spin about their release is an oversimplification.
15 minute read
July 10, 2007 |

Commentary: New Voices Question Corporate Criminal Liability

The complaints of corporate criminal practitioners about the current legal regime governing corporate criminal liability are like complaints about the weather: No one ever does anything about it. But attorney Audrey Strauss notes that important new voices are urging a reassessment of the legal underpinnings of corporate criminal liability. Strauss suggests that counsel representing corporations in criminal matters should make their own contributions to the conversation.
16 minute read
October 10, 2008 |

Associates Class of 2008

Our ninth annual magazine devoted to new associates at New Jersey law firms.
79 minute read
Day v. Staples, Inc.
Publication Date: 2009-02-17
Practice Area: Employment | retaliation
Court: 1st Cir.
Judge: Lynch, Chief Judge.
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number: 08-1689

Before Lynch, Chief Judge, Howard, Circuit Judge, and Garcia-Gregory,*fn1 District Judge.This is our first occasion to interpret the requirements for an action und

January 02, 2007 |

Impact Player of the Year: Fred Baron

He may not lay claim to the title, "King of Toxic Torts," and may not be running a stable of 480 employees as the founding partner of the highly successful Baron & Budd, but Fred Baron is still a force on the legal and political scene. Baron says his motives are the same as when he represented asbestos victims, only grander: To elect Democrats to help regulate corporate misconduct and to protect the civil justice system from being dismantled by conservative, pro-business Republicans.
26 minute read
June 17, 1999 |

Endangered Species?

Most mid-size firm managers acknowledge that the legal world has become a strange, scary place. They are too small to compete head-to-head with the full-service mega-firms, but much more expensive to run than a boutique. Their problems are numerous and growing: the shrinking client base, a glut of partners, firms that are poorly leveraged, and a reluctance to aggressively weed out lawyers who don't produce.
9 minute read
October 11, 1999 |

"Double Jeopardy" Double Crosses Legal Principles

If you're thinking the legal advice offered by the box office hit "Double Jeopardy" is wrong, really, really wrong, you're really, really right.
6 minute read
November 30, 2010 |

Fastest-Growing Firms Ranked by Increase in Number of Pa. Attorneys

The following is a list of the fastest-growing law firms in Pennsylvania ranked by the total increase in number as reported in the 2010 edition of PaLAW magazine.
5 minute read

