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MVP Investment Co. v. North Fulton Express Oil LLC
Publication Date: 2006-12-15
Practice Area:
Court: Court of Appeals
Judge: Bernes, Debra
For plaintiff: Michael W. Lord Greenfield, Bost & Kliros PC, Atlanta, for appellant.
For defendant: Jill R. Johnson Hartman, Simons, Spielman & Wood LLP, Atlanta, for appellees.
Case number: A06A1107

The plaintiff's amended complaint, alleging that the backfilling and sloping fill dirt the defendants' placed on the plaintiff's property along a common boundary line to laterally support a 4-5 foot

Hendon Properties LLC v. Cinema Dev. LLC
Publication Date: 2005-09-23
Practice Area:
Court: Court of Appeals
Judge: Phipps, Herbert E.
For plaintiff: Samuel R. Arden Hartman, Simons, Spielman & Wood LLP, Atlanta, for appellant.
For defendant: Nicholas J. Pieschel Dreger, Coyle, McClelland, Bergman & Pieschel LLC, Alpharetta, for appellee.
Case number: A05A1452

The parties contract requiring the defendant to do certain site work and to contribute towards the site work costs prior to defendant's sale of certain real property to the plaintiff was unenforcea

Nguyen v. Talisman Roswell LLC
Publication Date: 2003-08-08
Practice Area:
Court: Court of Appeals
Judge: Blackburn, G. Alan
For plaintiff: David J. Merbaum and Kevin S. Dale David J. Merbaum PC, Roswell, for appellant.
For defendant: Kristen A. Yadlosky Hartman, Simons, Spielman & Wood LLP, Atlanta, for appellee.
Case number: A03A1515

The undisputed evidence showed that the plaintiff received the exact amount of lease space he bargained for-approximately 800 sq.ft.-despite his unsupported claim that he informed defendant he neede

December 13, 2007 |

Deal Watch: For K&S, one deal leads to another

A routine acquisition led King Spalding to become counsel to a Portuguese company on its decision to locate a $100 million manufacturing plant in Georgia.Over lunch this fall at South City Kitchen, King Spalding partner Raymond E. Baltz Jr. learned from two EFACEC Group executives that the company was considering building its first U.
5 minute read