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March 28, 2003 |

Law students' leap of faith pays off

3 minute read
November 19, 2004 |

'Combat Lawyer' Continues to Build War Crimes Case Against Saddam

Eric Blinderman, a local BigLaw litigation associate, heeded a call to adventure in Iraq. His leave-taking occurred just as a hip Greenwich Village restaurant he owns with some friends was poised for opening night.
3 minute read
July 31, 2006 |

Judicial Profile: David Rotman

Mediator David Rotman not only takes notes on his cases, he reads them back to attorneys to check his facts.
5 minute read
September 09, 2004 |

Thanks, Cyber-Professor Scalia

Just five years after Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she was "troubled" by Concord Law School -- the first of its kind, online and unaccredited -- Justice Antonin Scalia conducted an online colloquium with more than 400 Concord students, answering their questions directly. The significance of the change in attitude isn't lost on Concord Dean Barry Currier. "We've certainly come a long way," he says. But how far does law-related distance learning still have to go?
7 minute read
January 07, 2009 |

Burris' best bet could be federal court

WASHINGTON AP - If Senate Democrats stick to their refusal to seat Roland Burris as a senator from Illinois, his best bet could be getting a federal judge to force open the Senate's doors.Burris would be relying on a constitutional provision listing just three, easily met qualifications for the job and a 1969 Supreme Court decision rebuking the House for excluding an elected, though scandal-tarred, lawmaker.
4 minute read
July 21, 2009 |

Bitter Foes Microsoft and Linux Unite Against Software Rules

The mutual disdain between Microsoft Corp. and Linux, an open-source computer operating system, is unrivaled. But new rules for software contracts put out by The American Law Institute have united the enemies as part of a growing protest by tech companies and their lawyers. The most controversial of the guidelines is that software vendors must guarantee buyers that there are no hidden flaws in the software. "Any project that has Microsoft and Linux on the same side, you know there's something wrong," says one lawyer.
3 minute read
July 26, 2012 |

'Disrobed' offers look at life on the bench

In an unusual move for a sitting federal judge, New York Eastern District Judge Frederic Block has written a book intended to give the general public a behind-the-scenes look at how he approaches his job.
5 minute read
June 02, 2006 |

Obituary: George F. Roberts

2 minute read
October 15, 2004 |

PD's Office Digs In on DNA

For defense lawyers, going up against DNA evidence is never easy. And many attorneys note the science can seem daunting, particularly to the uninitiated. In August, San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi took a step to give his deputies a leg up, hiring Bicka Barlow, a scientist-turned-defense lawyer, to act as the office's DNA guru. The arrival of Barlow, a deputy public defender, hasn't gone unnoticed across the street, where prosecutors say deputy PDs have been asking for more discovery lately.
5 minute read
March 26, 2007 |

Out-of-Law Experiences Should Continue Into a Legal Career

The best lawyers, both in and out of court, almost always bring with them a rich and wide variety of experiences outside of legal practice.
5 minute read

