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December 31, 2008 |

Legal OnRamp Founder Sells Its Virtues

At just over 6,000 members, Paul Lippe's brainchild, Legal OnRamp, a social networking site geared primarily to in-house lawyers, has yet to take the legal profession by storm. Lippe discusses how Legal OnRamp and its select network of clients might revolutionize the practice of law.
12 minute read
February 01, 2005 |

AmLaw Tech: Mighty Mites

Forget about which book to take on your next long flight. Think about which gadget. Portable devices are on a roll these days, slimming down but bulking up. They can do more, in less space, than ever before, making them increasingly handy when you hit the road-whether you're on the job or on vacation. Indeed, the genius of the best portable devices is that they adhere to the work-hard, play-hard theory: You can create some killer presentations on that 17-inch laptop, but you can also watch some awesome DVDs
8 minute read
September 11, 2001 |

Rescue Efforts Amidst Tragedy in New York

Throughout the morning, emergency personnel in New York City tried to evacuate civilians from the downtown area, sealing off the area block by block after the attack on the World Trade Center. Indeed, the rescue workers may have borne the brunt of the tragedy. "There were hundreds of police and firefighters in that building when it went down," said one.
3 minute read
May 19, 2006 |

Former Client Perot Sues Hughes & Luce Over Flight Museum Troubles

A T-38 Talon training jet in Dallas' Frontiers of Flight Museum is central to a high-flying legal dispute. H. Ross Perot Jr. -- son of famous Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot Sr. -- tried to get the government to let him fly the plane as an operable museum centerpiece, becoming the subject of a probe in the process. Now Perot and others are suing Hughes & Luce, which advised them on the plane purchase, and Hughes & Luce partner Stephen G. Gleboff, who initially represented Perot's interests.
13 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book White Collar Crime: Business and Regulatory Offenses Authors: Otto G. Obermaier, Robert G. Morvillo (deceased), Robert J. Anello, Barry A. Bohrer View this Book

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September 05, 2011 |

'And then the whole thing just blew up'

How those at Pentagon survived that harrowing day.
8 minute read
June 11, 2007 |

What's Next With Greenhouse Gases?

On April 2, the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision in Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency rebuking the administration for its inaction on climate change. What comes next?
9 minute read
March 04, 2004 |

Crematory's 'Unspeakable Disrespect' on Trial

R.Robin [email protected] friends tossed Chattanooga attorney Robert Crawford Jr.'s cremated remains into the wind on his favorite golf course, the ashes sparkled as the sunlight caught them. Crawford's sister Teri D. Crawford said there was something angelic about her brother's ashes glittering in the wind.
12 minute read
August 23, 2013 |

Daily Decision Service Alert: Vol. 22, No. 164 - August 23, 2013

Daily decision alert.
15 minute read
November 21, 2005 |

Sony BMG Fiasco Shows Copy Protection Still a Work in Progress

The fact that digital rights management might always be a doomed experiment became clear with a fiasco that recently erupted after Sony BMG Music Entertainment added a technology known as XCP to popular CDs. Factor in the lawsuits that Sony BMG could face over the security holes that XCP opened in users' computers, and it's worth wondering whether the aftermath might exceed whatever piracy losses the company would have suffered without it.
5 minute read

