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August 18, 2005 |

Lawmakers Seek Less-Expensive Patent System

Lawmakers in Washington are considering changes to the patent code that would bring U.S. law closer to intellectual property standards in the rest of the industrialized world. The change would convert the U.S. patent system from the uniquely American "first to invent" to "the first to file" standard the rest of the world uses.
6 minute read
August 10, 2009 |

Circuit Rebuffs Times' Attempt To Obtain Spitzer Wiretap Data

The New York Times has lost its bid to obtain wiretap information related to former Governor Eliot Spitzer's involvement in a prostitution ring. The federal law that permits disclosure of wiretap information on a showing of good cause does not allow disclosure based solely on the news media's interest in publishing the information, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled on Friday. In a case where the Times sought wiretap information on Mr. Spitzer and the Emperor's Club prostitution ring, the circuit agreed with the government that general journalistic interest in the information does not amount to good cause within the meaning of Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968.
4 minute read
May 18, 2010 |

Oil spill scrutiny turns to Obama administration

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and other federal officials will come under questioning for what the government did - or did not do - to prevent the oil spill, and how they have responded since oil started streaming into the Gulf last month.
5 minute read
April 05, 2013 |

Kilpatrick Stockton

4 minute read
December 15, 2003 |

Washington Fast Becoming Neutral Territory

Demand for alternative dispute resolution services in Washington, D.C., has shot up in recent years, as the federal government and local companies increasingly turn to arbitrators and mediators to resolve legal disputes.
8 minute read
March 14, 2006 |

O'Connor's Second Act

The next stage of retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's public life began to take shape this week: a combination of speaking out, receiving accolades, and even, she hinted, sitting as a judge on lower federal courts.
3 minute read
June 06, 2005 |

Silicosis: Breathing Down on California

Brent Coon sees the future of lung litigation, and it's far beyond his Texas headquarters. But the prospect of Texas attorneys moving to California worries local lung lawyers. They say a Texas litigation flood -- and the controversial tactics used by some silicosis lawyers -- will make it difficult for attorneys representing the relatively small number of actual silicosis sufferers to pursue their cases.
7 minute read
September 29, 2003 |

Inadmissible: Libya Lawsuits; Covington, Kissinger McLarty; and More

Lockerbie settlement doesn't stop Libya suits; Covington pairs with international advisory firm; government asks Brinkema to rule; OMB lawyer rejoins Latham; and more.
9 minute read


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