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January 19, 2000 |

Going Mobile

We now live in a world where anybody can work almost anywhere and be completely wired and ready to go. For example, if poolside is your thing, by all means grab a chaise lounge, but don't forget your cellular phone, pager, notebook, and Palm Pilot. You'll still have to make enough room on your lap to balance them all -- but perhaps not for long.
6 minute read
September 21, 2009 |

Falling for Fashion (Frugally)

As the weather finally starts to turn cooler and Fashion Week fades into memory, it's time for lawyers to update their looks for the new season. With the economy still in the doldrums, now may not be the time to splurge on the latest looks, a formal dress for firm functions or a new handbag. But with a little creativity, lawyers can look their best on a budget. Even those on the job hunt can put their best feet forward without a large cash outlay.
12 minute read
September 16, 2002 |

The Year of the Rats

If U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft has his way, spying will be open to the masses. We will have white-collar, blue-collar and no-collar spies. Spies in all shapes and sizes. Everyone will be eligible to eavesdrop -- postal workers, truck drivers, plumbers, utility company employees and lawyers. Well, maybe not lawyers. I spy. You spy. We all spy on each other. At least, that was the master plan behind the TIPS program, as originally hatched by the DOJ.
4 minute read
November 01, 2004 |

How We Created Our Rooms

7 minute read
November 29, 1999 |

Phalanx of Philanthropists

There are no Scrooges at Waterbury, Conn.'s Carmody & Torrance. Collectively, the firm's 63 lawyers and its support staff shelled out $34,000 to the United Way in 1998. But though it is to be commended for its philanthropy, Carmody's competitors can hardly be classified as a bunch of tightwads. "As a group, lawyers are among ... the most generous," insists Brian T. O'Connor, who volunteers for the United Way and is currently in charge of raising money from the legal, medical and accounting professions.
8 minute read
August 16, 2007 |

E-Mail Etiquette for Virtual Lawyers

As a lawyer or an IT professional, e-mail manners are fundamental to survival in the large law firm setting. Because, says the Snark, you will e-mail clients, partners, associates and your future spouse far more often than you will speak to any of them.
6 minute read
October 21, 1999 |

Webvan's Breakdown

Billed as the world's market, Webvan Group Inc. has something for everyone - including a horror story lawyers can use to scare clients into behaving during the IPO process and a spotlight for regulators to flash as they stump for market reforms. The flap surrounding the delayed initial public offering for the California-based online supermarket comes at a fortuitous time for the Securities and Exchange Commission. The agency will likely tap into the momentum for change in the wake of Webvan's actions.
7 minute read
October 11, 2002 |

3 minute read
November 10, 2004 |

ABA Legal Missionaries Celebrate 15 Years of Learning

Within 48 hours of arriving in Uzbekistan, Donna Wright saw her first camel, climbed a medieval minaret and helped organize a meeting of women lawyers in Samarqand. Following that, her travels took her to Osh, Kyrgyzstan and beyond. Wright is among hundreds of American lawyers who have gone abroad to build the rule of law over the past 15 years. Strengthening legal institutions is central to the American mission of "aiding democracy," and lawyers are the movement's foot soldiers.
12 minute read
October 03, 2005 |

Life in the Coat Closet

Older lawyers say it's not so hard to build a distinguished career, as long as you get directions to the courthouse before you climb in the car with the senior partners. Here's advice about what to do — and what not to forget.
8 minute read
