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May 29, 2008 |

Conflicting views on U.S.'s global presence

The world is changing. Whatever shall we do Three recent books about the shifting place of the U.S. amid the relentless rise of China and India offer wildly different advice for the next American president. "Be Bismarck," argues one. Create a "United States of the West," urges another. Stop behaving like a "Bad Samaritan," scolds the third.
4 minute read
January 06, 2006 |

The Mass Tort Bonanza That Wasn't

PPA, an ingredient in cold medicine alleged to cause strokes, looked like a mass tort bonanza for plaintiffs lawyers. But it wasn't. Though there are still a few plaintiffs firms with significant PPA caseloads, many others are closing down their PPA dockets, settling the cases for what they can and dismissing the rest. Why the PPA mass tort bust? Defendant drug companies dug in, defying conventional wisdom about the dangerous corporate implications of litigation uncertainty.
19 minute read
October 30, 2009 |

While Auto Nation profits; Burger King, Office Depot slip in 3Q

Fort Lauderdale car retailer AutoNation created the federal "cash for clunkers" program for its swing to a third-quarter profit. Two other South Florida-based retailers - Burger King and Office Depot - suffered from big cutbacks in consumer spending.
5 minute read
March 16, 2009 |

On the Move

A weekly report of lawyer moves and law firm changes. Keep abreast of where movers and shakers are going and what they're doing.
5 minute read
March 06, 2006 |


4 minute read
May 14, 2004 |

Respond to 5 Rulings, Hopefuls Told

Steven H. [email protected] Christian Coalition of Georgia's survey of judicial candidates quotes passages from the majority and dissenting opinions in key U.S. Supreme Court decisions and asks candidates with which philosophy they most agree. The survey names the authors of dissents, but not of majority opinions.
5 minute read
April 25, 2013 |

Trading Down

Convertible, Chromebook, tablet: Can any of them truly take the place of a laptop?
8 minute read
October 24, 2007 |

Corporate Liability Under the Alien Tort Claims Act

Faith E. Gay, a partner at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges, and J. Noah Hagey, a senior associate at the firm, write that courts have struggled to articulate consistent jurisdictional parameters in response to ATS suits, but a few patterns are emerging. Meanwhile, the number of ATS suits against corporate defendants continues to rise, perhaps intimating another Supreme Court showdown . . .
11 minute read
April 19, 2004 |

Court Allows Threshold Challenge to Medical Basis of Phen-Fen Opt-Outs

A Bergen County judge last Tuesday sweetened the stakes for a diet-drug maker sued over alleged heart-valve damage, ruling that Wyeth Corp. could challenge the eligibility of plaintiffs to opt out of a federal $3.75 billion class action settlement and to bring their own suits.
5 minute read
January 11, 2010 |


"Name Cleared," "Lighter Than Air," "Stepping Down" and "Less Urge to Merge"
4 minute read


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