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April 05, 2004 |

On the Move

4 minute read
January 26, 2004 |

Verdicts & Settlements

A sampling of jury verdicts in the metropolitan D.C. area.
3 minute read
April 11, 2003 |

Editor in Chief

5 minute read
January 29, 2004 |

New Deals

Find out which firms were tapped for a $575 million asset sale by Pfizer and which local lawyers worked on the purchase of the landmark FAO Schwarz toy store.
3 minute read
May 22, 2001 |

Insurance Coverage Disputes

What rights and responsibilities do policyholders and insurance companies have once a policyholder submits a claim? Moderator David Weiss of San Francisco's Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison and a distinguished panel of attorneys representing policyholders and insurers examined the parties' respective duties during's ongoing seminar "Insurance Coverage Disputes."
16 minute read
April 11, 2003 |

Editor in Chief

5 minute read
June 04, 2009 |

New Deals

The General Motors Corp. began the process Monday of fashioning a "New GM" - a smaller, more nimble version of the 101-year-old legendary automaker that focuses on the company's strongest brands. Scores of attorneys have been tapped to represent GM, GM's independent directors, the U.S. Treasury Department, GMAC Financial Services and its affiliates, the United Auto Workers and other parties.
5 minute read
July 08, 2010 |

The Legal Staff's 2010 Summer Reading List

"Summer vacation" means something very different to us as adults than it did during our school years. Whereas in childhood and adolescence it meant whole months of relaxation, these days it's more likely to be a long weekend at the shore, a week at Disney World or the Outer Banks with family, or a single afternoon in the backyard hammock.
19 minute read
July 01, 2004 |

Too Good to be True?

It was a marriage of love, not convenience; an attraction built on similarities, not differences. Successful, pedigreed, and dapper, each was considered a fetching prospect. Neither needed to get hitched to advance in the world.
13 minute read
June 01, 2004 |

Coke Isn't It

Like other recent college graduates, Deval L. Patrick says, in 1978 he wanted to keep his options open. That's why he carried a law school application in his backpack while working for the United Nations in Sudan. One night in the desert outside Khartoum, Patrick, then 22, put a flashlight on the ground, swatted away a few flies and filled out the forms by hand.
13 minute read


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