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September 08, 2003 |

Suits & Deals

Large settlements and verdicts in New Jersey.
5 minute read
January 26, 2004 |

Testing Jurors for Tort Reform Bias

Plaintiffs' lawyers may have won the latest skirmish in the battle over tort reform -- keeping caps off medical malpractice damages -- but they're having a harder time finding jurors who aren't scarred by the carnage.
8 minute read
August 02, 2004 |

Estate of Frankl et al v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company

Neither Rule 4:10-3 nor Hammock by Hammock v. Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. creates a right of public access to unfiled documents exchanged during discovery in civil litigation, and the matter is referred to the Civil Practice Committee to address whether or not, going forward, that position should be maintained.
7 minute read
January 17, 2003 |

N.J. Wraps Up Last Big Profiling Case

New Jersey has settled the last major piece of litigation to arise out of the racial-profiling scandal of the 1990s. The state and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority agreed to pay $775,000 to 12 plaintiffs who claimed they were subjected to harassment from state troopers because of their race. This brings the total amount paid to plaintiffs and lawyers over the course of the decade-long scandal to $19.5 million.
3 minute read
January 23, 2004 |

Testing for Tort-Reform Bias in Jurors

Plaintiffs lawyers may have won the latest skirmish in the battle over tort reform -- keeping caps off medical malpractice damages -- but they're having a harder time finding jurors who aren't scarred by the carnage. As doctors stage walkouts, protest at courthouses, and lobby legislators and patients, lawyers are trying to expand voir dire to measure the effect of the publicity on venire members' objectivity.
8 minute read
May 12, 2003 |

Unpublished Opinions

Unpublished state and federal court opinions.
23 minute read
August 04, 2003 |

Who Ate the Cookies, Mom or the Children?

For years, lawyers have relied on the court-sanctioned Case Information Statement to present their client's financial picture to the court. However, over 12 years ago, Justice Virginia Long recognized that the CIS fails to accurately present the information a court needs in certain post-judgment situations.
21 minute read
October 09, 2006 |


8 minute read
Class Certification Denied in New York 'All Natural' Snapple Case
Publication Date: 2010-08-10
Practice Area:
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number:

Snapple's lawyers at Baker Botts put aside the question of whether high fructose corn syrup is a natural ingredient, instead arguing that the plaintiffs couldn't show class members paid a premium as a result of Snapple's "all natural" labeling. The judge agreed.

February 04, 2002 |

Year of the Bankruptcy

2001 proved to be the year for bankruptcy filings. With the controversial Bankruptcy Reform Bill pending approval, the number of filings, for business and nonbusiness debtors alike, surpassed the record-breaking year of 1998.
21 minute read
