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October 11, 2005 |

Department of Justice Seeks Review of Tobacco Ruling

Six years, two presidential administrations, and three attorneys general later, the Justice Department's effort to disgorge big money from Big Tobacco may be in its final throes.
4 minute read
July 11, 2013 |

Fla. Cities On Guard For Any Post-Zimmerman Unrest

Police and city leaders in Florida say they have taken precautionary steps for the possibility of mass protests or even civil unrest if George Zimmerman is acquitted in the killing of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin, particularly in African-American neighborhoods where passions run strongest over the case.
5 minute read
April 01, 2003 |

Race at Issue in Opening Arguments of Gun Industry Trial

Lawyers pressing a closely watched lawsuit in federal court in New York on behalf of the NAACP against the gun industry framed their opening statements Monday in racial terms, claiming that blacks are disproportionately harmed by guns that end up in the hands of criminals. But lawyers for the industry claimed an absence of proof that gun manufacturers or distributors had done anything improper in marketing their product.
6 minute read
November 06, 2009 |

D.C. Court of Appeals Resurrects Cell Phone Radiation Cases

The D.C. Court of Appeals last week revived a series of lawsuits by individuals who say they were harmed by cell phone radiation, adding yet another wrinkle to a debate within U.S. courts over whether national regulations trump state laws when it comes to issues surrounding cell phone safety. The decision gave both sides of the case fodder to declare victory -- but some lawyers said the ruling could lead to the filing of even more suits against cell phone companies in Washington's trial court.
5 minute read
April 03, 2007 |

MDL Panel: 'Traffic Cop' Seeing Its Power Grow

A federal panel whose members are handpicked by the chief justice of the United States to consolidate federal civil cases for discovery is playing an increasingly influential role in how and where large numbers of complex civil cases are litigated throughout the country. For some, a key question about the panel is: Who is minding the store? One concern is the puzzling court assignments when parties can't agree on a forum; one attorney says the panel sometimes decides to "ship 'em to Mars."
9 minute read
September 28, 2009 |

Retention Success? Percentage of Women, Minority Attorneys at BigTex Firms Holds Steady Despite Economy

Taken as a whole, the firms with the largest Texas offices shed some lawyers between July 1, 2008, and July 1, 2009, but the percentages of minority and female lawyers at those firms did not slip. Emmanuel Obi (pictured), an associate with Weil, Gotshal & Manges, is on a committee looking at ways to increase diversity at Dallas firms.
8 minute read
August 26, 2008 |


New AdditionsRichard J. King has joined SAUL EWING as a partner in the business department and a member of the health law practice group.
3 minute read
November 24, 2009 |

Global work lured Daschle from Alston

DLA Piper scored a big hire Nov. 17 when it picked up former Sen. Tom Daschle. The one-time majority leader was the Obama administration's first choice for secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services before his nomination was derailed by questions about back taxes. Daschle will be jumping from Alston Bird's Washington office-his professional home since he lost his 2004 re-election bid.
4 minute read
July 14, 2005 |

When Antitrust And IP Laws Collide

By its very nature, a patent grants its holder the right to exclude others from the market. But antitrust law seeks to curb the exploitation of such power. How should the tension between these well-established maxims of American law be reconciled? That is the question the U.S. Supreme Court will tackle in the upcoming fall term.
5 minute read
June 06, 2007 |

Calif.'s Biggest Firms Receive Poor Marks for Minority Hiring

The grades are in on workforce diversity, and if this were school, the state's largest law firms would barely be passing.
3 minute read


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