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April 24, 2003 |

Immigration Law

9 minute read
January 07, 2013 |

Skadden, Proskauer bring NHL back, other Am Law firms take lead on Phoenix Coyotes sale

The National Hockey League's lawyers from Skadden and Proskauer reached an agreement with their counterparts at the NHL Players' Association early Sunday, following a 16-hour negotiation session. After a two-hour nap, the NHL's outside counsel and their in-house counterparts returned to the task of drafting a 10-year contract that will split league revenues 50-50 between players and owners.
8 minute read
November 17, 2012 |

The Score: Will Marlins Trade Jump-Start SEC Probe?

Less than a year after moving into a new stadium mostly financed by $405 million in government bonds, a salary dump by Major League Baseball's Miami Marlins is reviving questions about why taxpayers wound up paying most of the tab for the splashy ballpark. Elsewhere in our regular look at sports and the law, Skadden lands a pair of big deals, an antitrust suit is scuttled, and new evidence emerges in the National Football League's traumatic brain injury litigation.
13 minute read
March 11, 2003 |

20 minute read
March 10, 2003 |

20 minute read
Williams v. Hooper, 11792/04
Publication Date: 2010-11-11
Practice Area: Torts
Court: Appellate Division, First Department
Judge: Before: Gonzalez, P.J., Saxe, McGuire, Acosta, Abdus-Salaam, JJ.
For plaintiff: Wallace D. Gossett, Brooklyn (Lawrence Heisler of counsel), for appellants.
For defendant: Ephrem J. Wertenteil, New York for respondent.
Case number: 117924/04

Cite as: Williams v. Hooper, 11792/04, NYLJ 1202474721988, at *1 (App. Div. 1st, Decided November 9, 2010)vBefore: Gonzalez, P.J., Saxe, McGuire, Acosta, Abdus-

September 04, 2006 |

Justices Retool Common Law Doctrines

During the last term, the justices retooled common law doctrines like res ipsa and respondeat superior and wrestled with the admissibility of character evidence, opinion evidence and reputation evidence in civil cases.
70 minute read
April 01, 2009 |

Big Deals

Pfizer/Wyeth; Abbott Labs/Advanced Medical/Optics; Grupo Bimbo/George Weston
9 minute read
August 21, 2009 |

Unpublished Opinions

Unpublished state and federal court decisions.
58 minute read
February 25, 2011 |

Unpublished Opinions

Cases not approved for publication.
50 minute read


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