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In Search of Bigger Prey
Publication Date: 2010-01-01
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Even Andrew Cuomo didn't think New York's Governor had the constitutional power to appoint his lieutenant. But professor-turned-litigator Kathleen Sullivan never lost faith in the truth of her argument. Here she explains why.

May 20, 2013 |

Hedge Funds Betting On Insurers Hurt By Housing Crash

Hedge funds such as Paulson & Co. and Maverick Capital are betting some of the companies worst hit by the U.S. housing crash will be among the biggest winners in the rebound.
7 minute read
December 14, 2011 |

No one tells who took $586B in Fed swaps

For all the transparency forced on the Federal Reserve by Congress and the courts, one of the central bank's emergency lending programs remains so secretive that names of borrowers may be hidden from the Fed itself. As part of a currency swap plan active from 2007 to 2010 and revived to fight the European debt crisis, the Fed lends dollars to other central banks, which auction them to local commercial banks.
8 minute read
January 04, 2010 |

The Declaration of Independents

For large U.S. and U.K. firms, the economic downturn has prompted massive job cuts and talk of a paradigm shift. Meanwhile, Europe's independent law firms are doing just fine.
11 minute read
June 12, 2012 |

Bond bubble dismissed as low yields echo Pimco's prediction of new normal

Global bond markets' record lows match Pacific Investment Management Co. CEO Mohamed El-Erian's 2009 prediction of a "new normal" in global economies.
8 minute read
June 23, 2008 |

China debunks 'domino theory' in world markets

A funny thing was noticeable as Henry Paulson wrapped up his fourth round of "strategic economic dialogue" talks with China. It's not that an ascendant China is being more assertive. If the Treasury secretary hadn't anticipated Asia's No. 2 economy telling the U.S. to fix its own imbalances before lecturing China, he wasn't thinking things through.
4 minute read
July 23, 2008 |

Lehman fault-finding points to CEO as shares languish

"Everything is over" So wrote Emanuel Lehman, one of three brothers who founded the cotton-trading company that bore his name. The year was 1862. The cause of alarm: the Civil War, which had cut off communications between Montgomery, Ala., where Lehman Brothers was founded a dozen years earlier, and New York, where much of its business was transacted.
17 minute read
December 10, 2012 |

HP Working to Maintain Focus Despite Lawsuits

In the continuing saga of Hewlett-Packard Co. and Autonomy Corp., the head of Autonomy's content management unit said November 29 that he hopes to improve transparency for customers in the wake of financial scandal allegations — but otherwise it's business as usual.
4 minute read
Employees' Retirement System of The Government v. J.P. Morgan, 09 Civ. 3701 (JGK)
Publication Date: 2011-04-04
Practice Area: Business Law
Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
Judge: District Judge John G. Koeltl
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number: 09 Civ. 3701 (JGK)

Cite as: Employees' Retirement System of The Government v. J.P. Morgan, 09 Civ. 3701 (JGK), NYLJ 1202488877592, at *1 (SDNY, Decided March 29, 2011)District Jud

April 01, 2011 |

Corporate Debt: A Very Good Year

Capital markets lawyers expected a modest surge in high-yield debt last year, but what they got was an absolute bonanza.
3 minute read


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