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January 27, 2005 |

National Market Share, Inc. v. Sterling National Bank

Despite Bank's Breaches, Principal's Faithless Acts Were Intervening Cause of Firms' Demise
21 minute read
May 21, 2013 |

Korn Still Speaking Truth To Power

After a career of building the business and legal framework for journalism, the man who was Ted Turner's top lawyer during the creation of Cable News Network has returned from a stint at the helm of Radio Free Europe with a new appreciation for speaking truth to power.
7 minute read
February 08, 2006 |

Ken Starr Signs On for Constitutional Challenge to SOX

A law that reshaped the accounting industry after a wave of corporate scandals is being challenged by pro-business conservatives. With a big-guns legal team that includes Kenneth Starr, the Free Enterprise Fund filed suit against the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, arguing that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act violates the Constitution's mandated separation of powers among the three branches of government. The act could be invalidated if any of its sections is found unconstitutional.
4 minute read
December 05, 2006 |

A Wary Europe Moves a Step Closer to Class Actions

Defense apprehensions that American plaintiffs lawyers are "exporting" abusive class action habits to Europe may be premature, but 2006 clearly has seen a growing European interest in handling large volumes of similar claims. In a parallel development, while American plaintiffs lawyers advise European policymakers on loosening laws that restrict class actions, they are trying to increase their recoveries in American securities litigation by adding new clients from among European institutional investors.
7 minute read
February 02, 2011 |

Little (Courtney) Love in Twitter Tiff

Wow, yup, this one is definitely nasty: The lawyers are cringing and there is definitely no love lost as rocker rips 'Boudoir Queen.'
6 minute read
January 15, 2008 |

In Camera

There may only be one kind of lawyer who can get away with correcting a Supreme Court justice's word usage. � Has a $2 billion courthouse bond become an annual non-event?
3 minute read
May 06, 2002 |

More and More, Employees Asked To Share the Load

A noticeably soft job market coupled with spiraling health-care premiums is prompting some firms to consider raising employee contributions as alternatives to layoffs and other cutbacks.
5 minute read
July 30, 2008 |

Michigan's top PACs raise more than $27 million

LANSING, Mich. AP - A relatively light election schedule, and possibly Michigan's sluggish economy, are slowing the amount of money flowing into the state's political campaigns.The state's 150 largest political action committees had raised a combined $27.3 million for the 2008 election cycle through July 20, according to a report released Tuesday by the nonpartisan Michigan Campaign Finance Network.
3 minute read
October 19, 2010 |

Banks must fix their cavalier mistakes

For all the scandalous news about systemically sloppy foreclosure documentation, bankers are trying to reassure the public that no undeserved evictions resulted. "At the end of the day, the underlying substance was accurate," JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon told reporters on a conference call. "There's almost no chance that we've made a mistake.
4 minute read
March 29, 2004 |

Is Anti-Piracy Law Stifling Cybersecurity Innovation?

Cyberlaw: Although the DMCA's anti-circumvention provision seems necessary to keep hackers away from copyrighted content, it has a deleterious effect on the development of cryptology and computer security.
5 minute read


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