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August 20, 2007 |

Domestic Miss

Domestic partners feel the premise of equality in California law is routinely undermined. Donald Townes, above, turned to a lawyer after the death of his registered domestic partner, when MediCal threatened to seize the Concord house they'd shared to collect for unpaid medical bills.
8 minute read
October 01, 2005 |

The Peculiar Legacy

Complicity shoes how the predecessors of today's companies benefited from slavery.
4 minute read
December 28, 1999 |

A Legal Career Goes to the Dogs

Kenneth Phillips, a Los Angeles solo practitioner, long ago saw his career going to the dogs -- dog law, that is -- and just might be the dog-bite king of the legal world. He represents people all over California who have been attacked by dogs and is the proud founder of, a year-old Web site -- packed with the doggonedest facts and figures -- that has become a global hit.
9 minute read
March 23, 2009 |

The Habits of Highly Effective Law Firm Partners

It's harder to become a law firm equity partner these days, and harder to remain one as well. According to the Am Law 200 (published May 2008), nearly 85 percent of the highest-grossing firms in the United States have established a non-equity tier.
10 minute read
March 26, 2007 |

Ruling limits access to favored prosecution tool

A recent decision by the 10th Circuit may limit the ability of prosecutors to rely on mail abnd fraud statutes in the future, particularly in cases involving allegations of fraud in connection with securities filings.
7 minute read
August 04, 2008 |

Review sought on judicial recusals

The ethical hornets' nest stirred up by the refusal of an acting West Virginia chief justice to recuse himself from a multimillion-dollar appeal involving his major campaign contributor has reached the U.S. Supreme Court in a petition framing today's increasingly unsettling intersection of money and judicial elections. The justices will decide when, in the context of campaign contributions, due process demands a judge's recusal.
7 minute read
January 18, 2005 |

Are Small Firms More Vulnerable to Harassment Claims?

A perk of working in a small firm is that the atmosphere tends to be less formal and more relaxed than that of a big firm. However, a casual office may also be a breeding ground for inappropriate conduct that can lead to complaints of harassment and discrimination. The good news is that a small firm need not function like a 500-attorney Goliath to ward off these claims. Here are some tips to help reduce the risk of exposure.
6 minute read
December 11, 2007 |

$468 Mil. Settlement in Backdating Case

Getting former CEO William McGuire to give back hundreds of millions of dollars in tainted stock options cures one of UnitedHealth�s biggest headaches from its backdating scandal. But there are others.
5 minute read
