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December 05, 2011 |

US jobless rate unexpectedly declines to 8.6 percent

Job gains in the U.S. picked up last month and the unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to the lowest level since March 2009, a decline augmented by the departure of Americans from the labor force. Payrolls climbed 120,000, after a revised 100,000 increase in October, with more than half the hiring coming from retailers and temporary help agencies, Labor Department figures showed Friday in Washington.
2 minute read
March 17, 2009 |

Defense digs out of documents in Bear Stearns case

NEW YORK AP - Lawyers for two former Bear Stearns hedge fund managers charged with lying to investors about the collapse of the subprime mortgage market complained on Monday that the government has hampered their defense by burying them in an avalanche of documents.Petrial motions filed by both sides in federal court in Brooklyn did not detail the potential evidence against Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin.
3 minute read
October 03, 2013 |

'Too Big to Fail' or 'Too Big to Manage'?

An essay by ex-General Electric senior general counsel Ben Heineman Jr. asks, "Are these huge major financial institutions not just too big to fail, their leaders  'too big to jail' (as some critics charge), but also 'too big to manage'?" Boston University professor Cornelius Hurley offers his thoughts.
2 minute read
April 11, 2008 |

Montana senator asks for Bear Stearns investigation

WASHINGTON AP - Montana Sen. Jon Tester called for the government to investigate the downfall of investment bank Bear Stearns and whether it was related to insider trading.Bear Stearns informed the government last month that it was on the verge of having to file for bankruptcy protection because nervous creditors were demanding to be repaid.
2 minute read
May 12, 2011 |

Unpublished Opinions

Opinions not approved for publication.
69 minute read
December 11, 2001 |

A Giant Falls

Houston attorney Robin Harrison is one of the lawyers attempting to move the Enron bankruptcy from New York to Texas. Harrison, counsel for Enron employees who lost money in their retirement plans because of the huge slide in Enron stock, is just one of a slew of attorneys sharing in the windfall of bankruptcy and litigation work surrounding the financial debacle of the Houston-based energy broker.
10 minute read
February 24, 2009 |

Madoff judge denies motion on claim deadline

NEW YORK AP - A bankruptcy judge in the Bernard Madoff case refused Tuesday to waive a deadline for claims against the disgraced money manager by people who may be asked to give back money they made investing with Madoff.At a hearing in lower Manhattan, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Burton Lifland said he saw no need to clarify an earlier order approving the July 2, 2009 deadline.
3 minute read
June 18, 2013 |

The Outer Edge of Edge Act Jurisdiction

In their Southern District Civil Practice Roundup, Edward M. Spiro and Judith L. Mogul, principals of Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello, discuss Southern District Judge Jed Rakoff's reversal of his own earlier decision upholding Edge Act jurisdiction after the Second Circuit called for a narrow reading of that statute's jurisdictional grant in its own recent decision.
12 minute read
March 01, 2013 |

From Cravath to Chase to Cadwalader

Former Cravath, Swaine & Moore partner James Woolery has landed in a much different place from where he started.
4 minute read
October 24, 2005 |

Locke Pick: Work at U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Harriet Miers' Former Firm Will Never Be the Same

Because of Harriet Miers' nomination to the Supreme Court, Locke Liddell & Sapp is the focus of attention from the national media, a situation that raises the firm's profile and presumably will lead to some new business. But the public hunt for any tidbit of information about Miers and the firm where she practiced for most of her career also brings attention to past problems.
11 minute read


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