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March 31, 2008 |

Working All the Angles in the Tech Battles

In the 14 years since it was founded by former ACLU and Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney Jerry Berman, the Center for Democracy and Technology has evolved into a strange bird that defends the Internet's ideals of openness, equality, and anonymity by working hand in hand with the commercial interests that often seem to threaten them.
5 minute read
August 20, 2001 |

Balderdash! Etymologists Skirmish Over Conundrums, Bon Mots

Balderdash is one of those board games for brainiacs where mental acuity and legerdemain are put to the ultimate test -- and only those who excel at both emerge as winners. In other words, the perfect game for lawyers. And in the spirit of bamboozlement, the Menlo Park, Calif., office of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe's grueling, 10-week Balderdash tournament was a highlight of its annual summer associate schmoozefest.
3 minute read
October 01, 2009 |

Paradigm Shift: Power-Lawyer Mom, Stay-at-Home Dad

For all the talk about flextime, part-time, and other family-friendly policies, the reality is that big-law practice is an unforgiving profession, and a stay-at-home spouse provides some much-needed cushioning.
5 minute read
August 06, 2009 |

How to Survive on a Slashed Salary

Big Law Cogs who've managed to survive round after round of layoffs now are reeling from the latest hit to come their way: a pay cut. But don't cry, sympathizes The Snark, because with a few adjustments to your spending habits, you probably won't have to move back into your parents' house. For instance, you can rent out a room in your suburban mini-mansion, and start a Cog Commune. Another alternative: Make the switch to public school for even just one of your kids (the least grateful, of course).
7 minute read
July 13, 2011 |

Women-Owned Real Estate Boutique Grows and Thrives

During the worst of the economic downturn, older San Francisco land use and real estate firms folded and big firms shed lawyers from their real estate departments. By contrast, the 10-year-old real estate-focused SSL Law Firm has notched its biggest gains, hiring 11 attorneys since the start of 2010.
8 minute read
August 11, 2009 |

How to Survive on a Slashed Salary

Big Law Cogs who've managed to survive round after round of layoffs now are reeling from the latest hit to come their way: a pay cut propelled by the continuing decline in partner profits.
7 minute read
October 19, 2004 |

California Leads the Way

Kelly D. Talcott, a partner at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart, writes that it has become a distressingly common practice for commentators to overstate the impact of the Internet on business practices and law.
9 minute read
April 24, 2012 |

My Night With a Few Multimillion-Dollar Rainmakers

In the last few months, I have had conversations with four multimillion-dollar rainmakers from firms of various sizes. They ranged in age from 50-65. I mention their ages because several times, they reminded me that nothing happened to them overnight, and indeed "slow and steady" most certainly did win the race for them. Their books of business range from $2 million to over $25 million.
6 minute read
April 04, 2008 |

Advocacy Group Watches Over the Internet

The Center for Democracy and Technology has evolved into a strange bird that nibbles on the hands that feed it. As an industry forum, CDT defends the Internet's ideals of openness, equality and anonymity while working with commercial interests that might threaten those very ideals.
5 minute read


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