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Ninth Circuit Lowers Curtain on Winklevoss Twins' Facebook Fight
Publication Date: 2011-04-11
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We like to compare high stakes litigation to Hollywood dramas. This one actually made it to the silver screen, but on Monday the Ninth Circuit cut the lights on the Winklevosses' battle to undo their $65 million Facebook settlement.

July 25, 2006 |

New Ballgame For Claims of Idea Theft

Stephen Terrell isn't a copyright lawyer. But last month, he filed suit on behalf of four Californians who allege that Fox Broadcasting Co. stole their idea behind the hit reality television show, So You Think You Can Dance.
8 minute read
Once Again, MBS Plaintiffs Stymied by Three-Year Statute of Repose
Publication Date: 2011-04-14
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Following a ruling last month dismissing a mortgage-backed securities suit against Countrywide, another Manhattan federal district court judge refused to toll the three-year statue of repose for securities claims in a class action involving Lehman Brothers.

Weil Scores for Archstone in Arbitration Stemming from $22 Billion Lehman Buyout
Publication Date: 2011-11-09
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Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and its lawyers at Weil Gotshal & Manges may never see the end of litigation stemming from Lehman's bankruptcy, but they've scored a victory in long-running legal battle with origins that predate the bank's collapse: Lehman's $22 billion leveraged buyout of real estate investment trust Archstone four years ago.

Jones Day Wins Court Order Granting Discovery in Investigation of Barclays's Purchase of Lehman Brokerage
Publication Date: 2009-06-24
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Let the great Lehman v. Barclays fight begin! Jones Day has a tough road ahead--to recoup anything from Barclays for Lehman, the firm will have to show that the British bank did not negotiate in good faith. But the firm got over its first hurdle Wednesday, when the Lehman bankruptcy judge agreed to let the Barclays investigation proceed.

Patent Litigation Weekly: Another Look at Google's Defeat of Erich Spangenberg in Marshall
Publication Date: 2010-08-29
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In Joe Mullin's latest column at Corporate Counsel, he pulls out some fascinating tidbits from the record of the case between the notoriously litigious patent holding entrepreneur and the company that has vowed never to cave to the demands of trolls.

July 26, 2006 |

New Ballgame For Idea Theft Claims

Encouraged by the Ninth Circuit's Grosso decision, plaintiff lawyers are filing more idea submission claims.
8 minute read
Lit Daily Exclusive: Kirkland Loses Another IP Partner as Pharma Patent Litigator Heads to Paul Hastings
Publication Date: 2010-08-30
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Gerald Flattmann, who specializes in representing brand-name drug makers, concedes his decision to leave Kirkland is related to the previous departures of two other Kirkland IP stars.

Judge Rules AIG Fraud Protection Doesn't Cover Madoff 'Net Winners'
Publication Date: 2010-10-01
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Plaintiffs who withdrew more money than they invested with the Ponzi king may still be victims, but a federal judge ruled they aren't covered by AIG's fraud insurance.

January 30, 2002 |

Third Parties and Web Sites

N THE AGE of the Internet, Web sites have become an indispensable business tool. With a Web site, a corporation can present its public face at a fraction of the cost of traditional media advertising. Some corporations owe their entire existence to the Web, while others, especially those providing information and entertainment services, have refashioned their businesses around their Web sites. One of the chief advantages of a Web site is the opportunity it offers corporations to interface directly with inves
14 minute read


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