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March 04, 2011 |

Beer distributors' fee award goes flat in litigation against Anheuser-Busch

A trio of beer wholesalers who claim they spent $5 million litigating with Anheuser-Busch over distribution rights are entitled to legal fees but will get zero, in part because a jury verdict left them almost a quarter million dollars poorer.
5 minute read
June 07, 2011 |

Debt by a Thousand Cuts

Law school, it turns out, is a pretty expensive way to spend three years of your life. For pretty much all lawyers that means that when you finally get that sheepskin you're going to hear, in the distance above your parents' clapping, the baying of the wolves of debt hot on your trail. But there are ways to keep loans from consuming you, and one associate offers seven tips for the indentured.
4 minute read
January 12, 2001 |

Associate Thrives as Firm's Lawyer-Writer

Jill Westmoreland knew what she didn't want from law firm life: No workdays stretching into dawn. And what she did want: An interesting job. And what she didn't need: A huge associate's salary. To get all that she took "the perfect day job" at Loeb & Loeb as a lawyer-writer. A lawyer who writes full time is a position only a handful of firms have, and it requires a true diplomat.
6 minute read
March 14, 2011 |

Dollar Tree most profitable as cheapest of LBO targets

While private-equity firms circle Family Dollar Stores, 99 Cents Only Stores and Big Lots, a leveraged buyout of Dollar Tree may offer the biggest bang for the buck.
6 minute read
February 06, 2006 |

Young Attorneys Who Go Solo Face Hurdles but Reap Rewards

A new year always pushes people to make resolutions. For young attorneys, starting one's own firm or business might be a goal, but making that goal a reality is not always easy. Those attorneys who do make the leap find that becoming their own boss brings hurdles -- and rewards. The young solos profiled here found ways of dealing with such issues as time management and marketing, and are not looking back with regret.
7 minute read
December 20, 1999 |

A Great Trial in an FBI Classroom

The hallway outside Room 5235 of the Justice Department is tranquil now. There's nothing there, save a small plaque, that reminds the observer that in July 1942, the room was the site of one of the most unusual trials in American history. The military trial of eight failed Nazi saboteurs, in what was then a large FBI classroom, remains one of the more noteworthy and yet one of the least-known aspects of U.S. involvement in World War II.
12 minute read
May 03, 2000 |

You Can't Pay Me Enough

In law, the road to financial prosperity is hardly free or easy. For most new attorneys, graduating from law school not only starts their career, but also their responsibility to pay back significant debt.
6 minute read
July 08, 2011 |

How the Internet Has Changed Immigration Law

The internet has dramatically changed immigration law, write Brach Eichler counsel Jonathan D. Bick and 3L Kyle Chan. Internet-based evidence is widely used in the immigration courts and immigration procedures and applications are available via the internet. And the internet has helped reduce the amount of paperwork and encourages automation as well.
6 minute read
December 17, 2010 |

BigLaw Partner Quits to Open Flat Fee-Only IP Boutique

While many law firms continue to struggle with integrating alternative fee arrangements into their traditional billable hour structures, one firm has solved the problem by getting rid of the billable hour altogether.
5 minute read
June 27, 2002 |

9th Circuit Tosses Out the Pledge of Allegiance

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday struck down a morning ritual for countless schoolchildren -- the recitation of the pledge of allegiance. A divided three-judge panel held that the words "one nation under God" violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, making the court the first to sustain a constitutional challenge to public invocations of God that had, until now, been ruled merely ceremonial.
6 minute read


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