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March 13, 2009 |

Texas law professor fights for for data on impact of 700-mile fence along Texas-Mexico border

A University of Texas clinical law professor is asking a federal court to order federal officials to comply with a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request for documents that would show the full impact of the controversial 700-mile fence being built along the Texas-Mexico border. Prof. Denise Gilman, represented by the Public Citizen Litigation Group, filed a FOIA request last April for records showing where the fence would be built, including maps, surveys and appraisals of affected properties. She also sought information about the criteria for deciding where segments of the wall would be built and agency assessments of the impact of the wall on surrounding communities.
2 minute read
February 21, 2006 |

Also in the Running�

Web: Four California-based law firms win "honorable mentions" in The American Lawyer's competition for Litigation Department of the Year.
5 minute read
June 01, 2009 |

Culinary Paris

Where restaurants satisfy one's appetite for art, entertainment and relaxation.
10 minute read
October 06, 2008 |

Firms face tough collections

As law firms enter the fourth-quarter home stretch for 2008, the harsh reality is that any hours law firms billed this year are only as good as the client's ability to pay for them. With clients expected to hold on to as much cash as possible amid a credit squeeze, law firms may be walking a tightrope during this year's collection push to get the dollars rightly owed to them while at the same time remaining flexible with clients in trouble. "It's a balance that always exists, but in this market it becomes heightened," said Paul Irving, co-chairman of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips.
6 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book Pennsylvania Causes of Action, 12th Edition Authors: GAETAN J. ALFANO, RONALD J. SHAFFER, JOSHUA C. COHAN View this Book

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March 22, 2000 |

Where The Action Is

13 minute read
October 27, 2009 |

FJD Considers Discovery Court For Criminal Cases

For all the years that Judge D. Webster Keogh, Judge Sheila Woods-Skipper and Joseph Lanzalotti have been working in the city's criminal justice system, they say that discovery often remains unfinished by the time cases are scheduled for trial.
4 minute read
June 25, 2002 |

Second Circuit Review

I n this, our 200th column, we report on a recent decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in which the court upheld the firing of an administrative police officer based on his anonymous mailing of racist and anti-Semitic materials to charitable organizations that solicited donations from him.
9 minute read
November 28, 2005 |

A Tougher Stance on Securities Law

Recent 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals opinions have implied that hindsight is more than 20-20 when determining whether an alleged material misstatement by a company adversely affected its shareholders' investments. In everything from press releases regarding planned transactions to analysts' misstatements to keeping fellow high-level officers honest, the 5th Circuit is imposing heavy burdens on management in the realm of securities law.
5 minute read
February 18, 2010 |

Does a Month-to-Month Tenancy Wither Away? Perhaps Not

Victor S. Faleck, Deputy Chief Court Attorney at the Appellate Term, Second Department, writes that although a number of New York courts have held that a nonpayment proceeding will not lie against a month-to-month tenant who holds over without paying rent, a recent Appellate Division ruling casts doubt upon the validity of this line of cases.
7 minute read


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