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September 09, 2008 |

Revenue Ruling Places Limits on Pension Plan Transfers

In Revenue Ruling 2008-45 last month, the Internal Revenue Service held that the transfer of the sponsorship of a qualified retirement plan from an employer to an unrelated taxpayer violates the exclusive benefit rule contained in Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, if such a transfer is not made in connection with a transfer of business assets, operations or employees.
6 minute read
December 15, 2008 |

Legal Ethics: Choose Online Friends Wisely

Before diving into the world of online social networking sites, lawyers need to consider the risks, advises Bruce A. Campbell of Campbell & Chadwick in Dallas. Two risks these sites pose are licensing (for would-be lawyers) and potential discipline (for lawyers admitted to practice), he warns. Evaluating this risk is somewhat difficult, because electronic social networking is relatively new.
5 minute read
August 27, 2013 |

Family Law Attorneys Beware: Follow the Rules

Attorneys new to family court are often surprised that the Rules of Evidence are not always strictly followed, Rules of Civil Procedure are sometimes ignored, statutes are not always strictly applied and procedural oversights are not always a big deal. While defenders of these practices will argue that they are necessary to promote judicial efficiency in an already overwhelmed system, this may soon be a thing of the past.
9 minute read
October 30, 2009 |

A Parade of Professionalism

6 minute read
December 08, 2000 |

Lean, Mean Bar Exam on California's Horizon

Ready for a shorter, meatier bar exam? California State Bar executives met Friday and Saturday with law school deans from around the state to discuss shortening the three-day California exam by a full day, while possibly adding five new areas of law to be tested. The proposed changes aim to cut costs and make taking the exam less onerous, but some law school deans aren't enthusiastic.
5 minute read
October 20, 2006 |

Should Peregrine's Former High-Flying GC Have His Wings Clipped?

Rick Nelson was Peregrine's high-flying GC during its heyday, but did his desire to rise to the top keep him from saying no to practices that led to the company's fall? That question may soon be answered: In July, Nelson was indicted on multiple counts of fraud for allegedly misstating company revenue. Nelson has pleaded not guilty and is scheduled to stand trial in April. He's told investigators that any failures were due to inexperience; he became Peregrine's GC only four years out of law school.
13 minute read
April 06, 2010 |

Out With the Old, in With the New

On May 12, Pennsylvania's new child support guidelines will become effective. Though there are several questions regarding what impact the changes will have, I feel safe in making one prediction.
7 minute read
November 14, 2011 |

Real Estate Biggest Deals 2011: Industrial

4 minute read
May 28, 2013 |

Fumo Convicted by Federal Jury on All Counts

After a five-month trial that was riddled with unusual twists, a federaljury on Monday convicted former Pennsylvania state Sen. Vincent Fumo on all 137 counts, delivering a sweeping victory to the federal prosecutors who accused Fumo of abusing his power to fund a lavish lifestyle on the tabs of taxpayers and a charity he created and controlled.
6 minute read
April 21, 2008 |


"The Right Approach" and "Happy in Their Work"
4 minute read


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