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May 31, 2006 |

Executive Compensation

Joseph E. Bachelder III, a partner in the Law Offices of Joseph E. Bachelder, discusses some of the criticisms of the process by which boards of directors � in most cases compensation committees � of U.S. public companies set the pay of CEOs and other senior management.
12 minute read
February 25, 2002 |

It Ain`t Over

Mike Morris is angry. Not in a table-pounding, in-your-face kind of way. His anger is much more controlled than that-and just as unnerving. When he speaks, the volume doesn`t rise, but the speed with which the words come pouring out accelerates. You wonder when-if-he will stop for breath.
15 minute read
December 31, 2008 |

2008 may make you feel like the biggest loser

If you have a job, it probably feels shaky. If you have a 401k, you can't bear to open the statements. If you bought a house in the last five years, you feel like a sucker unless you were the winning bidder at a foreclosure auction.It's cold comfort to know that the financial crash upended everyone-callused Maine lobstermen, French-manicured San Diego real estate brokers, Rolex-wearing Greenwich hedge-fund managers.
6 minute read
June 15, 2011 |

ZL Technologies Delivers E-Discovery and Records Management SaaS

ZL Technologies, a provider of e-discovery, records management, and archiving software for law firms and corporations, has taken the company's on-premise Unified Archive software and, together with Sunguard Availability Services, made it available from the cloud in a software-as-a-service model.
2 minute read
December 14, 2012 |

In Wake of Autonomy Scandal, HP's Lawyers Wonder What's Next

Even before news of HP's latest ill-fated acquisition broke, the company's lawyers had plenty of reasons to leave. Now, GC John Schultz must figure out how to boost morale in his department while also shepherding the company through the crisis.
10 minute read
May 11, 2012 |

Climan Group Jumps to Weil Gotshal From Dewey & LeBoeuf

M&A lawyer Richard Climan says about a dozen people from Dewey & LeBoeuf are joining Weil Gotshal's Silicon Valley office. The team has handled big deals in the tech industry for high-profile clients.
3 minute read
April 13, 2001 |

Privacy Rules Stun Health Care Industry

Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson announced Thursday that sweeping medical privacy rules issued by the Clinton administration shall take effect as scheduled. The new regulations, which give patients broad new rights to track and control their health information, seek to ensure patient privacy by requiring healthcare providers to adopt uniform standards for electronic transactions.
3 minute read
February 04, 2013 |

Tech Circuit: LegalTech New York — See's Candies Edition (Part 1)

The problem with LegalTech New York is that you can't be five places at once. Or six. Or 20. It's just so hard to choose among so many compelling choices — keynotes, seminars, plenary sessions, exhibits, briefings, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, receptions, awards. To use my favorite California exemplar, it's like being told you can only eat one piece of See's Candies out of the two-pound box. [MORE]
5 minute read
July 25, 2012 |

Hearing focuses on Internet sales, use taxes

Internet sales and use taxes will be the focus of a hearing before the Judiciary Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives.
5 minute read
June 04, 2012 |

Challenging predictive coding to better defend it

The speakers on LegalTech West Coast's predictive coding panel, "Under Fire: Defending and Challenging Technology-Assisted Review," often seemed more intent on challenging judicial and legal industry assumptions about the review technology than on defending it.
5 minute read


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