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February 16, 2012 |

Finding a Comfort Zone in the Kitchen and the Courtroom

Michael J. Newman's mother gave him three cookbooks after he graduated law school five years ago. A new passion was born and the benefits proved to be unexpected for Newman, who found that cooking was cathartic, helping him to deal with the occasional frustrations of a new job. Over time, becoming a better cook made him a better lawyer.
7 minute read
May 30, 2013 |

Letting Light Into a Dark Place by Dealing With Mental Health

On February 15, my friend Ari "Deebo" Johnson committed suicide. His closest friends had no idea that he was struggling with his mental health, let alone that he was suicidal. At a funeral service filled with memories of Deebo's expansive laugh and easy smile, we were left grappling with unanswerable questions.
6 minute read
August 03, 2013 |

Three Reasons for Attorneys to Pursue Pro Bono Service

Pro bono service is beloved by recruiters pitching firms to law students, concerning to those same law firms' accountants obsessing over the bottom line and desperately needed by legal aid organizations providing services. As an opportunity to develop skills as well as help others, pro bono service plays an important role in the practice of young lawyers.
6 minute read
April 19, 2013 |

The Importance of Storytelling as a Tool in the Practice of Law

Stories are incredibly potent, reaching a place deep in our cultural DNA. Trial lawyers would benefit from greater insight into exactly which stories resonate most powerfully, and why this is the case, says attorney Michael J. Newman, who discusses how to better harness one of the most powerful rhetorical tools at our disposal.
6 minute read
February 21, 2013 |

People in the News

The following is a portion of a list of pro bono volunteers who assisted Philadelphia VIP in 2012:
3 minute read
August 30, 2013 |

Rethinking Same-Sex Marriage in Pennsylvania Post-Windsor

The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Windsor, 570 U.S. (2013), ratcheted up an already rapidly evolving legal environment for same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania.
7 minute read
August 01, 2013 |

Three Reasons for Attorneys to Pursue Pro Bono Service

Pro bono service is beloved by recruiters pitching firms to law students, concerning to those same law firms' accountants obsessing over the bottom line and desperately needed by legal aid organizations providing services. As an opportunity to develop skills as well as help others, pro bono service plays an important role in the practice of young lawyers.
6 minute read
April 11, 2013 |

Using the Art of Storytelling as a Tool in the Practice of Law

Stories are incredibly potent, reaching a place deep in our cultural DNA. When presented with a great story, we simply need to hear it through to the end. As the great writer Neil Gaiman once remarked, nothing speaks more to the power of stories than the plaintive question, "And then what happened?" Stories are very important to the practice of law. Trial lawyers often discuss "telling a story" to the jury, or making sure that the judge sees the case through the lens of our narrative, and not that of our adversary. Our goal should be to make our client's story resonate with the judge and jury on a fundamental level.
6 minute read
September 13, 2012 |

The Opportunity to Uphold a Pledge on Election Day

Six years ago, upon joining the bar, I raised my hand and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution.
6 minute read
February 20, 2013 |

People in the News

The following is a portion of a list of pro bono volunteers who assisted Philadelphia VIP in 2012:
3 minute read


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