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December 20, 2012 |

Holiday Gift to Lawyers: Marketing Advice From the Experts

The author reaches out to some real giants in the land of law firm marketing, for their best advice on how to grow revenues in 2013.
6 minute read
Two Days in August: Skadden Wins Three Big Rulings, Including One Crazy Case Involving a Paean to the BoSox
Publication Date: 2009-08-21
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Two of the cases were meat-and-potatoes securities fraud actions. But the third can only be described as a delicious concoction, one in which Skadden defended Jon Bon Jovi, Major League Baseball, Turner Broadcasting, and the Boston Red Sox against claims they misappropriated a locally famous "love anthem" to the BoSox.

April 13, 2010 |

International Discovery Agreements Can Facilitate The Transfer of Data from the European Union

International discovery agreements potentially offer a faster, more convenient, and more secure way to bridge the gaps between American and European law. By resolving conflicting obligations through contract, these agreements may provide an important new conduit for conversation between American and European courts.
7 minute read
October 12, 2001 |

A Squatter's Grudge

If you're looking for Miami law firm Akerman Senterfitt's Web site, don't type in If you do, you'll see pictures of kangaroos, sharks eating fish and a diatribe against the legal system. This and other sites using law firms' names are the work of Brian Wick, a so-called cybersquatter with a grudge against lawyers. Some firms have taken Wick to court and won back their domain names under trademark law.
3 minute read
July 19, 1999 |

After a Tune-up, This Satellite's Working Quite Well

Not so long ago, Thelen Reid & Priest attorneys practicing their trade in the Los Angeles outpost crossed their fingers, hoping to break even in terms of revenues, let alone recruit new blood. Today, the office turns a profit.What happened in the interim -- during which the firm completed a key bicoastal merger with Reid & Priest -- amounts to a seminar on how to reverse the fortunes of a sagging satellite office.
5 minute read
December 10, 2012 |

Law firm e-discovery reaches crossroad

Litigation support departments in law firms - now largely tasked with helping attorneys manage the e-discovery needs of clients - are at a crossroad. To invest or divest.
5 minute read
December 28, 2011 |

Innovations in Law Firm Marketing

Cool new "outside the box" strategies in law firm marketing from around the world.
7 minute read
June 21, 1999 |

FTC Follows The Money

Seven years ago, as the zealous director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition, Kevin Arquit helped conjure up a novel legal stratagem. Now, as the zealous lead counsel for generic drug maker Mylan Laboratories Inc., he has found his past returning to haunt him. Citing Arquit9s handiwork, the FTC is trying to collect $120 million from his client in a suit filed in D.C. federal court. The case is potentially groundbreaking: If the agency is successful, it would fundamentally expand its institutional powers.
7 minute read
Fifth Circuit Rules CAFA Applies to Mississippi AG's LCD Suit
Publication Date: 2012-11-26
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Precedent ruled the day at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in a price-fixing case against makers of liquid-crystal display panels, even if not all the judges were particularly happy about it. Who was happy? Lawyers for the LCD makers at White & Case.

October 11, 2004 |

Law Firms Gauge the Outlook for Outsourcing

Corporate hard times may not be all bad news for law firms. The economic crunch is causing more and more companies to change the way they do business, and that has given rise to a new niche practice area for law firms: helping clients outsource parts of their business to cheaper labor markets, often overseas.
6 minute read


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