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August 19, 2005 |

Permanent Residence Strategies for the Best and Brightest

In contrast to the task faced by most immigrating workers, an elite group of foreign professionals do not have to endure the arduous process of filing labor certification applications with the Department of Labor to get permanent resident status. Although the DOL has revamped some of its processes, immigration attorney H. Ronald Klasko advises that avoiding the labor certification process is still the avenue of choice for the "best and brightest" professionals and their employers.
5 minute read
April 12, 2011 |

Man who gave money to failed Times Square bomber to be deported

A Pakistani man who gave money to the man behind the failed Times Square bombing last May has been sentenced to the 11 months he's already served and released to federal officials for deportation.
4 minute read
June 10, 2009 |

Palau to take Guantanamo's Chinese detainees

WELLINGTON, New Zealand AP - Palau agreed to accept 17 Chinese Muslims who have languished in legal limbo at Guantanamo Bay, indicating a resolution to one of the thorniest issues facing the Obama administration's decision to close the prison camp.The announcement Wednesday by the Pacific archipelago, which would clear the last of the Uighurs from the camp in Cuba, was a major step toward the U.
4 minute read
November 05, 2003 |

Plea for Openness

Calling it the "most egregious recent example of an alarming trend toward excessive secrecy in the federal courts," a national journalism group has filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to open records in the case of a man detained in connection with post-9/11 investigations. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press accuses the 11th Circuit of approving "a drastic departure" from judicial norms and asks the Court to find the sealed judgment unconstitutional.
8 minute read
January 13, 2006 |

Shah, plaintiffs-respondents v. Wilco Systems Inc., defendant-appellant

Human Rights Law Violation Claims of Citizenship Status Based Discrimination Are Rejected
17 minute read
August 22, 2006 |

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

Christopher Dunn, the associate legal director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, writes that as the federal government responds aggressively to threats of international terrorism � and as it aggressively invokes that terrorism to justify a wide range of measures � the Supreme Court likely will be confronted with fundamental questions about the vitality of the First Amendment at the international border. And when it does, it will be writing on a largely blank slate.
9 minute read
September 08, 2004 |

Bad Lawyering Began and Ended Cipel's Case Against McGreevey

For 18 days former gubernatorial aide Golan Cipel and his lawyers threatened to sue New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey for sexual harassment. Throughout the standoff, the governor's lawyers practically dared Cipel to file, accusing him and his legal team of being shakedown artists without a case. In the end, Cipel and his lawyers blinked. One federal law-enforcement official called Cipel's camp "a strange cast of characters," and their legal posturing "a blur of indecisiveness."
8 minute read
December 05, 2005 |

Crime and More Punishment

A $30 million will contest that reads like a Russian novel acquired a subplot Tuesday when a claimant to the fortune sued to oust the administrator, defrocked Superior Court Judge John Richardson.
10 minute read
April 13, 2006 |

Tanov, petitioner v. Immigration and Naturalization Service, respondent

NACARA Deportation Suspension Unavailable to Aliens Paroled Into U.S., Ordered Excluded Before April 1, 1997
16 minute read
September 30, 2011 |


Calendar of events.
5 minute read


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