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March 22, 2006 |

Three Keys to Immigration Law Compliance: Verify, Reverify, Retain

Recent events demonstrate that the government is increasing its policing of employment violations under immigration laws. What's more, the federal government's policy appears to be shifting away from imposing merely administrative penalties toward more onerous criminal prosecutions. Whether in the civil or criminal context, the renewed enforcement focus requires that employers and their attorneys remain mindful of compliance procedures, such as those discussed here.
6 minute read
October 03, 2006 |

High Court Patent Case May Have Profound Business Impact

The U.S. Supreme Court opens its term this week with a challenge that could have profound business implications for patent holders and those who pay them for licenses. Though the other patent case on the Court's docket, KSR International v. Teleflex -- the challenge to the Federal Circuit's obviousness standard -- is receiving great attention, MedImmune v. Genentech also has high stakes. Says one patent scholar, "in the economic scheme of things, this case is more important than KSR."
5 minute read
May 11, 2001 |

Family Law Expert Leaves Penn for Sunshine State

Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, a leading authority on family law, is leaving the University of Pennsylvania Law School to teach at the University of Florida's law school. Woodhouse said she plans to establish a new children's law center and cited Florida's superiority in family law. As a public university, she said, Florida has lower tuition than private schools, allowing more students to enter lower-paying fields.
3 minute read
February 09, 2011 |

Doctor Alleges Pfizer Violated Medical, Ethical Standards — Drug Giant Says Nothing New Here

A doctor alleges Pfizer violated standards, appeared to have paid off officials, and oversaw acts 'which may have led to criminally negligent homicide' during drug trials on kids in Nigeria — but Pfizer says the claims aren't 'supported by the facts.' • ALSO SEE: WikiLeaks Sparks Interest in Court Battle • Pfizer's General Counsel Takes On Enlarged Business Roll • Pfizer's Kindler Gets Paltry $9.6M in Severance, Bonus
4 minute read
August 07, 2006 |

Welfare Agency Must Assist Ex-Foster Child

A county child welfare agency may be required to help support a former foster child who is now attending college, the Superior Court has ruled.
6 minute read
October 12, 2004 |

Bush Targets Pa. Trial Lawyers With New Ad

President Bush is making Pennsylvania trial lawyers one of the focal points of his campaign in this state, one of the nation's most hotly contested electoral battlegrounds.
8 minute read
December 27, 2006 |

Faked Documents May Be at Core of Apple Case

According to people with knowledge of Apple's situation, federal prosecutors are examining administrative documents that were apparently falsified by company officials to maximize the profits of option grants to executives. The faked documents could be a key issue for government officials deciding whether to pursue the Apple case as a criminal matter. There is also speculation that prosecutors are focusing on ex-GC Nancy Heinen and ex-CFO Fred Anderson. Meanwhile, CEO Steve Jobs has hired his own counsel.
5 minute read
April 30, 2013 |

'Principal of Hate' Loses Defamation Bid

A state judge has thrown out the claim of a former principal at a Roman Catholic school who said he was libeled by articles in the New York Daily News that labeled him a racial "firebrand."
4 minute read
October 01, 2008 |

10 Essential Podcasts

Podcasting remains alive and well, despite some failures.
5 minute read
November 20, 2007 |

Winston & Strawn, Partner Settle 'Decompression' Suit

Winston & Strawn has settled on the eve of trial a suit by a partner who claimed the firm broke a deal to exempt him from "decompression," a policy sharply cutting partners' pay after age 65. As a result of the settlement, the parties stated the suit by Anthony F. LoFrisco, 74, "will be dismissed and he will resign from the firm on Nov. 26, 2007." The settlement ends an unusual suit that had drawn much attention to firms' handling of aging rainmakers, many of whom are challenging policies on retirement.
4 minute read


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