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July 06, 2006 |

Lay's Death Clouds Legal Process, Attorneys Say

The death Wednesday of Kenneth Lay, the founder and former chairman and CEO of Enron Corp., means that any restitution in the criminal case will probably be vacated and the future of the Securities and Exchange Commission and civil cases will be more difficult to pursue, according to attorneys following the case. In particular, new questions surround the seizure and forfeiture of assets. Says one attorney: "Those seeking to pursue his assets may or may not be able to find recovery."
6 minute read
September 01, 2006 |

Flight Plan

did things look for Jeffrey Skilling and Kenneth Lay as they went to trial in January? If the numbers were any indication, pretty dismal. Three out of four mock juries hired to listen to their defense team present the case concluded that the pair were guilty. And seven of the eight juries who looked just at Lay's case voted to convict him as well. The defense was holding on to one glimmer of hope. Their jury consultants had found that a few people might-emphasis on might-be willing to consider the possibili
22 minute read
October 24, 2006 |

Inside the Year's Biggest Criminal Trial

Everyone knows that Jeffrey Skilling and Kenneth Lay were convicted on May 25 of multiple counts of conspiracy and securities fraud, that Lay died, and that Skilling has been sentenced. But in the months leading up to the trial, the outcome appeared much less certain to both sides. Their focus was on getting the best jury they could and on crafting a convincing and compelling story. Here's an inside look at the strategies used by the veteran jury consultants employed by the prosecution and defense.
22 minute read
March 25, 2011 |

Nuclear engineers bank on mini-reactors

Nuclear engineer Jose Reyes jolted awake at 4:45 a.m. on March 11 when his son called to warn him that a massive earthquake had unleashed a tsunami that rocked Japan. Giant waves were heading for the Oregon coast, about an hour from Reyes's Corvallis office. As news poured in during the next 12 hours that the cooling system at a Tokyo Electric Power Co.
13 minute read
February 22, 2010 |

Florida's investment climate heats up

Though capital is shrinking, the state remains a rising star in the development of favored industries like biotech, medical devices and information technology.
9 minute read
December 22, 2008 |

Courts for veterans spreading across U.S.

State criminal courts devoted to U.S. war veterans are emerging across the country, from New York to Oklahoma to California, as increasing numbers of soldiers returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are showing up as defendants with a special set of problems. Judges, prosecutors, public defenders and local lawyer volunteers are joining with the Department of Veteran Affairs to create courts with veterans-only case proceedings to address a common thread of post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, head injuries and mental illness underlying the veterans' crimes.
6 minute read
October 20, 2008 |

Nascar hits wall as economic crisis dents sponsorships

Sponsors of Nascar, the No. 2 sport on U.S. television after professional football, are slamming on the brakes because of the world's financial crisis. General Motors Corp., Chrysler Corp., Sears Holdings Corp. and Chevron Corp. will cut or drop sponsorships next season. Dario Franchitti, the 2007 Indianapolis 500 winner was forced out of the stock-car series by a lack of sponsors.
5 minute read
April 24, 2012 |

Roundtable Discussion

The editorial staff of The Legal has always been aware that the hiring and retention of female attorneys is an ongoing issue in the legal community.
20 minute read
April 24, 2012 |

Women of the Year

The Legal's editorial staff recently set out to select our Women of the Year, in which we highlight the achievements of top women lawyers across the state.
20 minute read


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