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October 10, 2013 |

Disability Rights New Jersey Inc. v. Velez

New Jersey's policy governing the involuntary administration of psychotropic drugs in nonemergency circumstances to CEPP patients in the state psychiatric hospitals violates their substantive and procedural due process rights and is discriminatory as to them; it is valid as to the remaining patients.
7 minute read
March 14, 2006 |

Patent Injunctions

Peter J. Pizzi, a partner at Connell Foley, writes that fanfare about patents essential to tens of thousands of Blackberry users may spur a dialogue about public interest factors courts are to consider in deciding whether to grant an injunction against patent infringement. Such debate is particularly timely given that the U.S. Supreme Court will soon weigh in on the subject in a patent case on its docket
11 minute read
September 28, 2009 |

Global tech

Profile of Lance A. Jones, senior VP, general counsel and corporate secretary for Trilogy Inc.
5 minute read
January 22, 2007 |

Week One of Libby Trial Ends Without Jury

Do you want to take a seat on the jury for the trial of former White House aide Scooter Libby? Just don't have any opinions about anything important.
7 minute read
February 20, 2007 |

Supreme Court�s Reasoned Decision On Deportation Issue

If I told you that noncitizen aggravated felons are subject to deportation, you�d probably say that sounds fair.
4 minute read
November 03, 2009 |

Groups Cry Foul Over UBS Whistleblower Term

Without expatriate whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld, offshore tax havens for Americans might still be a great way to hide money from the IRS. For his help in uncovering an international network of hidden money, the former UBS banker received a 40-month federal prison sentence. Three Washington, D.C.-based government watchdog groups say the sentence imposed by U.S. District Judge William Zloch will discourage other bankers from coming forward to the IRS under a three-year-old whistleblower law.
6 minute read
February 28, 2005 |

Vintage Law

Leonard Stein's fifth GC posting, at Santa Rosa's Kendall-Jackson Wine Estates, is a world apart from his previous places of employment. Diving headlong into an industry has been a Stein hallmark during his dizzying journey through previous GC posts. "Once you move inside, you have the opportunity to see the whole playing field," he says. "You can put each individual legal judgment you are asked to exercise in the larger context of its importance to the business."
10 minute read
September 12, 2012 |

Valerie Bogart

Selfhelp Community Services has been assisting victims of Nazi persecution and elderly New Yorkers for decades, but until Valerie Bogart arrived the not-for-profit had a skeletal legal operation, with a single part-time attorney who handled an advice hotline once a week. Now, it has a potent office that in the last fiscal year provided advice to 658 individuals, including 130 victims of the Holocaust.
6 minute read
March 22, 2011 |

High Court to Mull Standard of Review for Open Records Cases

The state Supreme Court is set to consider the Commonwealth Court's standard of review when considering final determinations of the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records.
4 minute read
