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May 08, 2006 |

Food-Poisoning Plaintiffs Gain New Tactic

In litigation over a deadly food-poisoning outbreak traced to two turkey processing companies, a federal judge is breaking new ground by holding that victims may use the alternative liability doctrine to pursue claims against both companies, without having to prove which of the two caused their injuries. Lawyers for both manufacturers had moved for summary judgment dismissal of the suits, but the judge concluded that the alternative liability theory creates "an exception to the general causation rule."
6 minute read
December 10, 2001 |

Federal Judge Approves $5.75 Million Payout in Unisys Shareholder Suit

A federal judge in Philadelphia approved a $5.75 million settlement in a shareholders' suit against e-business solutions company Unisys and awarded the plaintiffs' lawyers one-third of the fund, or nearly $1.9 million. The suit accused Unisys and several of its top executives of issuing misleading statements about expected profits from long-term contracts with British Telecom that falsely inflated the stock price.
5 minute read
September 13, 2007 |

Broadcom Corp. v. Qualcomm Inc.

A patent holder's deceptive conduct before a private standards-determining organization may be condemned under antitrust laws.
4 minute read
October 30, 2002 |

Federal Judge Refuses to Certify Class in Bias Case

A federal judge in Philadelphia has refused to certify a proposed class action against Aramark Corp. brought by a group of black workers who claim they were constantly harassed and unfairly disciplined by their white supervisors. Aramark is the nation's largest provider of outsourcing services. The judge found that common questions among class members don't "predominate" because the suit is seeking both monetary and injunctive relief.
5 minute read
February 15, 2005 |

Calling Up Reinforcements

Names like Vioxx, Baycol and Fen-Phen have replaced asbestos and tobacco as the hottest big-ticket products liability cases. And while the use of contract attorneys for document review is not a novel concept, the need for such assistance has increased along with the sophistication and scope of today's major pharmaceutical products liability litigation.
7 minute read
August 26, 2005 |

Plaintiff Firms Join in Medi-Cal Suit

With Attorney General Bill Lockyer going after 39 companies that allegedly defrauded Medi-Cal, a bunch of plaintiff firms are helping a whistle-blower make its case and collect its reward.
3 minute read
December 08, 2006 |

CIGNA Pays $93 Million To Settle Stockholder Suit

CIGNA Corp. has agreed to pay $93 million to settle a securities fraud suit that accused the company of hiding the fact that it was experiencing significant problems in an overhaul of its computer systems, and that its stock price plummeted by 45 percent when news of the problems was disclosed.
3 minute read
January 27, 2005 |

Reed Smith Disputes Claims of Growing Pains

Within just five years, Reed Smith has nearly doubled in size and profitability while making splashes in the California and London markets with large mergers. The firm is led by the dynamic Gregory Jordan, a 45-year-old Reed Smith lifer who has accepted the mission of taking the firm to the next level. But with the changes have come rumblings that the Philadelphia office has been ignored and partners de-equitized while Reed Smith changes focus and tries to become more like a New York firm.
7 minute read
January 24, 2001 |

Judge Raises Concerns Over Holocaust Pact

Fearing a proposed victim compensation fund could be diluted by other claimants, a federal judge in New York expressed reservations about the settlement of claims made by Holocaust survivors against German banks. Judge Shirley Wohl Kram said Wednesday that the funds could be the object of claims by victims who had accounts in Austrian banks that were looted by German banks in collaboration with the Nazis.
4 minute read
