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March 08, 2007 |

Calif. High Court Grapples With Limitations Period in Meal-Pay Law

If an employer gives an extra hour of pay for failure to provide a meal or rest break, is the pay a penalty for the company or compensation for the worker? The California Supreme Court grappled with that question during Wednesday oral arguments, and indications are the vote will be close. The highly anticipated ruling will decide the statute of limitations for claims under Labor Code �226.7; employees will have three years to file a claim if the extra hour is compensation -- or one year if it's a penalty.
4 minute read
April 15, 2010 |

No Headline

6 minute read
April 21, 2004 |

Under Pressure

Despite increasing political heat, District Attorney Kamala Harris appears determined not to seek the death penalty for alleged cop killer David Hill, asserting instead that she'll seek life without parole. The head of the local Police Officers Association wants federal prosecutors to take the case if Harris doesn't pursue the death penalty and a group of rank-and-file officers are circulating a petition denouncing Harris' decision. But, in the face of mounting pressure, the DA is unswayed.
4 minute read
July 13, 2012 |

On the Move

A weekly report of lawyer moves and law firm changes. Keep abreast of where movers and shakers are going and what they're doing.
3 minute read
May 04, 2012 |

On the Move

A weekly report of lawyer moves and law firm changes. Keep abreast of where movers and shakers are going and what they're doing.
3 minute read
July 06, 2004 |

No Resolution

As seemed typical for the term, neither of the Supreme Court's final-day rulings had much finality. In a case involving children's access to adult Web sites, the Court said the government could still rescue an Internet law in further proceedings, and in a foreign tort case it seemed to invite a wave of litigation over human rights claims. The decisions symbolized a term in which the Court left many key issues unresolved.
9 minute read
February 02, 2006 |

Circuit Cancels Sentence in Check Case

Judge Alex Kozinski strongly rebuked the Nevada Supreme Court. Turns out you can't lock up someone for writing bad checks if her bank actually paid the merchants. Too bad she spent 12 years in jail, then, huh?
4 minute read
May 01, 2007 |

Finding a Blog for Any Practice Area

Consultants Marshall Orson and David Bernknopf delve into the legal blogosphere to find blawgs that might actually be useful. They discover that the sheer number of well-informed sites is staggering -- there's even one that focuses on the emerging field of pet law.
6 minute read
October 06, 2009 |

Lawyer Who Signed Fraudulent Briefs in Pesticide Class Action May Be Spared Suspension

If an independent prosecutor has his way, leading plaintiffs lawyer Thomas Girardi would face an admonishment, but no suspension, for signing fraudulent appellate briefs in connection with his representation of Nicaraguan banana workers in a pesticide exposure case. Girardi's problems began when a Central American legal team mistakenly filed a complaint against Dole Food Corp. -- which doesn't exist -- instead of Dole Food Co. They then secured a $489 million judgment against the wrong corporate entity.
5 minute read
April 30, 2007 |

Lessons of the Am Law 100

Revenues and profits at the nation's highest-grossing law firms grew by healthy margins in 2006. Same old story? Not quite.
5 minute read
