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Former DOJ FCPA Chief Mendelsohn: Expect Size and Scope of FCPA Cases to Increase
Publication Date: 2010-07-21
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We called Mendelsohn after reading about a newly disclosed, eight-country probe of four pharmaceutical companies and noting the rapid upward spiral of recent FCPA settlements. His prediction: FCPA defense is only going to get hotter.

August 01, 2006 |

Midlevel Associates Survey: Firms Improve, but Complaints Continue

With the results of The American Lawyer's 2006 midlevel associates survey comes the realization that not necessarily every associate aims for partnership. But one thing that has stayed the same is the level of frustration. And though the lack of communication between associates and partners continues to be a major gripe, at least one firm has taken heed of last year's poor survey score to make improvements. Plus: Take a look at how smaller and midsize boutiques rank against Am Law 100 and 200 firms.
12 minute read
Bartlit's New Post: Chief Counsel to Presidential Commission Investigating BP Disaster
Publication Date: 2010-07-23
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The trial lawyer has represented oil companies in the past, but says he has no conflicts that should keep him from taking this assignment.

August 01, 2006 |

Exit Strategy

After law school and a clerkship, she finally had the chance to be in the trenches with real clients. The work was specialized and plentiful. She liked her partners, and they liked her.
14 minute read
January 27, 2010 |

Matter of Barnett v. Assessor, Town of Carmel

Homeowner Granted Summary Judgment Against Town Assessor for Selective-Reassessment
1 minute read
On Appeal, Patterson Belknap Blocks Boston Scientific Stent Trial Win
Publication Date: 2009-01-20
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In the seemingly endless war over patents for cardiovascular stents, the Federal Circuit overturned an infringement ruling against Johnson & Johnson's subsidiary Cordis.

Tobacco Companies, Defense Lawyers Gearing Up for St. Louis Megatrial over Hospitals' Health Care Cost Claims
Publication Date: 2011-01-13
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The industry is flying in a small army of lawyers in advance of the Jan. 31 trial date.

Corsello v. Verizon New York, Inc., 39610/07
Publication Date: 2010-09-21
Practice Area: Real Property
Court: Appellate Division, Second Department
Judge: Before: Mastro, J.P., Leventhal, Belen, Lott, JJ.
For plaintiff: Kirkland & Ellis LLP, New York, N.Y. (Joseph Serino, Jr., William Pratt, and Susan E. Engel, and Patrick F. Philbin, Washington, D.C., pro hac vice, of counsel), for appellants-respondents.
For defendant: Law Offices of David M. Wise, P.A., Babylon, N.Y. and Reilly Like & Tenety, Babylon, N.Y. (Irving Like of counsel), for respondents-appellants (one brief filed). *1
Case number: 39610/07

Cite as: Corsello v. Verizon New York, Inc., 39610/07, NYLJ 1202472251742, at *1 (App. Div., 2nd, Decided September 14, 2010)Before: Mastro, J.P., Leventhal, Be
