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April 03, 2023 | New York Law Journal

US Judge Clears Path for Recovery of Damages for Argentine Oil Contract Breach

Plaintiffs represented by King & Spalding alleged that Argentina violated its contractual obligations while retaking control of the oil company YPF.
3 minute read
March 15, 2023 | The American Lawyer

Everyone Talks About Their Law Firm's 'Culture,' But Is It Possible to Measure It?

Talent wars and remote work are pushing firms to be more systematic about understanding the dynamics that drive the way their personnel interact.
6 minute read
March 06, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Appellate Division Ruling on 'Fake Sales' Likely to Spawn Class Action Claims Against Retailers

A lawyer with Archer in Voorhees cautioned that the Appellate Division's ruling on a motion to dismiss is not the same as if there had been a trial.
6 minute read
March 03, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Covington, Steptoe No Longer Representing Indicted Ozy Media CEO Carlos Watson

While they appeared in court for his initial presentment after he was "unexpectedly arrested," they are not working as his defense team.
2 minute read
March 03, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Attorneys 'On the Move': Sidley Austin Gains Private Equity Partner; White Collar Defense Partner Joins Cadwalader

And other announcements of recent hirings and promotions of New York attorneys.
5 minute read
March 02, 2023 | The Recorder

On the Move: Tracking the Ins and Outs of California Lawyers

New hires, promotions and awards from across the California legal market.
4 minute read
March 01, 2023 | The American Lawyer

Steptoe & Johnson LLP Grows PPE 7% Despite Pre-Paying $20M in 2023 Costs

In-demand areas of legal representation and efficiencies derived from investments in business functions put the firm in a fortuitous financial position heading into the current year.
4 minute read
February 28, 2023 | Delaware Business Court Insider

New Dean Named for Widener's Delaware Law School

Widener University Delaware Law School has announced that Todd J. Clark will become the next dean of Delaware Law School.
4 minute read
February 28, 2023 | Delaware Law Weekly

Widener's Delaware Law School Names New Dean

Widener University Delaware Law School has announced that Todd J. Clark will become the next dean of Delaware Law School.
4 minute read
February 27, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

'It's Time to Get Creative': How Frustrated Deputy GCs Can Make the Leap to Legal Chief

The legal expertise that served attorneys well as they ascended to deputy GC is no longer nearly enough to progress to the top job, consultant Susan Hackett said. "Start thinking like a businessperson."
7 minute read
