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October 20, 2009 |

I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia

William Claude Dukenfield, better known as W.C. Fields, allegedly wanted "I'd rather be in Philadelphia" as his epitaph. It's the kind of sarcastic, back-handed compliment our city gets.
7 minute read
March 30, 2006 |

High Court Divided in eBay Patent Case

Sidley Austin's Carter Phillips is representing eBay, which is fighting an injunction sought by MercExchange for patent infringement of the "Buy it Now" feature used by the online auction site.
4 minute read
January 25, 2011 |

Obama's diverse bench

For Asian-Americans eager to see more of their own serving as judges, the Clinton administration was a time of unprecedented success. Five people of Asian or Pacific descent were confirmed to the federal bench in those eight years - more than were confirmed during any previous administration or during the George W. Bush administration.
6 minute read
September 09, 2011 |

More Memories of Sept. 11 - Part 4

"I was talking with a co-worker when an attorney yelled, 'My friend said a plane just hit one of the Twin Towers in New York.' We did not think the incident was serious — just an inexperienced operator. Approximately three minutes later, the same attorney said, 'This is serious!' We began to panic. My former boss walked into the office with his wife and said, 'A second plane just hit the other Twin Towers and I am closing the office for the day. Please drive safely home and please be careful!'"
21 minute read
June 18, 2007 |

Watchers forecast oversupply in growing ethanol industry

IN THE 2 YEARS SINCE Gordon Ommen co-founded US BioEnergy Corp., the company has quietly grown into one of the country's top ethanol producers, with plans to double in size this year and grow its capacity to 1 billion gallons a year by 2009.But Ommen knows there are challenges ahead for both his young company and the rapidly growing ethanol industry.
6 minute read
February 14, 2013 |

Judge Rules State, Not Federal, Venue Appropriate for Chemical Spill Case

Relying on congressional intent to avoid an absurd result from the literal reading of a statute, a federal judge remanded a case to state court in a decision that magnifies a division in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania over the "forum defendant rule."
4 minute read
September 06, 2002 |

Past Attorney in Sex Harass Case Wants Share of Fees

The state Supreme Court appears unlikely to veer from the rule that clients must sign off on fee-splitting agreements between attorneys. That means a lawyer who worked briefly on a high-profile sexual harassment suit could end up with little of the $1.9 million in fees awarded in the case. Attorney Arne Werchick asked the justices to ignore the absence of client Rena Weeks' signature and instead consider what his client, Arthur Chambers, was owed for his legal contribution to her successful 1993 suit.
3 minute read
April 08, 2005 |

Priority Status for Unpaid Workers' Comp Premium Claims

Are claims for unpaid pre-petition workers' compensation premiums entitled to priority status in a bankruptcy case? Until last week, there existed a three-to-one split among the circuit courts that have ruled on this issue, with the majority of courts ruling that they were not. Now, the 4th Circuit has weighed in, and the race is closer.
8 minute read


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