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Weil and Willkie Fail to Stop Illinois Pension Plan's Suit Against GE and Underwriters
Publication Date: 2012-01-13
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A Manhattan federal judge ruled on Thursday that an Illinois pension plan could proceed with its efforts to bring a class action against General Electric on behalf of investors who purchased $12 billion of the company's stock. The plaintiff claims that investors were misled by GE and several large financial institutions about the company's exposure to subprime mortgages and other risky investments during the recent financial crisis.

August 08, 2008 |

Henry the Great Paulson copies Frederick on bond plan

In 1769, short of funds to rebuild Prussia after attacks by Russia, Sweden and Austria, Frederick the Great let aristocrats, churches and monasteries raise money by pledging their estates as security to investors. From those beginnings emerged what today is Europe's $3 trillion market for covered bonds-securities backed by assets such as mortgages as well as the seller's promise to pay.
6 minute read
Eighteen Banks File New York State Court Suit Against MBIA, Making Now Familiar Claims That Its Restructuring Was Fraudulent Asset-Strip
Publication Date: 2009-05-14
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If we keep going at this rate, there soon won't be a prominent securities litigator in New York who's not involved in a suit challenging the bond insurer's restructuring. The banks' suit--the third in as many months against MBIA--is led by Sullivan & Cromwell, but S&C is not alone on the complaint. Not by a long shot.

April 10, 2013 |

Banks rethink the branch, but will it work?

Some banking executives are trying to rebuild the nation's neighborhood banks into hip, airy spaces where customers sign up for loans without touching a piece of paper, sign in to ATMs with a tap of their smartphones and talk to off-site tellers by video.
7 minute read
October 29, 2010 |

Hughes Hubbard Nets $107.8 Million for Lehman Trustee Work

Hughes Hubbard & Reed has been paid $107.8 million for its services as counsel to a court-appointed trustee overseeing the liquidation of Lehman's broker-dealer unit.
2 minute read
Elmaliach v. Bank of China Ltd., 102026/09
Publication Date: 2011-07-15
Practice Area: Business Law
Court: Supreme Court, New York County, IAS Part 39
Judge: Before: Justice Barbara R. Kapnick
For plaintiff:
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Case number: 102026/09

Cite as: Elmaliach v. Bank of China Ltd., 102026/09, NYLJ 1202501089993, at *1 (Sup. NY, Decided July 7, 2011)Before: Justice Barbara R. Kapnickp class="de

January 15, 2013 |

Fed's little-noticed escape clause allows for robust growth

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke made his third round of quantitative easing open-ended and signaled he may adjust its pace if needed. It gives him an escape clause from his latest stimulus steps in case the economy finally gains momentum.
6 minute read
In Search of Bigger Prey
Publication Date: 2010-01-01
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Even Andrew Cuomo didn't think New York's Governor had the constitutional power to appoint his lieutenant. But professor-turned-litigator Kathleen Sullivan never lost faith in the truth of her argument. Here she explains why.

May 20, 2013 |

Hedge Funds Betting On Insurers Hurt By Housing Crash

Hedge funds such as Paulson & Co. and Maverick Capital are betting some of the companies worst hit by the U.S. housing crash will be among the biggest winners in the rebound.
7 minute read
December 14, 2011 |

No one tells who took $586B in Fed swaps

For all the transparency forced on the Federal Reserve by Congress and the courts, one of the central bank's emergency lending programs remains so secretive that names of borrowers may be hidden from the Fed itself. As part of a currency swap plan active from 2007 to 2010 and revived to fight the European debt crisis, the Fed lends dollars to other central banks, which auction them to local commercial banks.
8 minute read


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