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March 02, 2010 |

Sen. Orie's Lawyer Alleges Probe Is Politically Motivated

Lawyers for state Sen. Jane Clare Orie say she is the target of a politically motivated investigation by the Allegheny County District Attorney's Office spawned by District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr.'s ire over positions the senator and her sister, Justice Joan Orie Melvin, have taken on gambling reform and judicial misconduct.
7 minute read
July 11, 2005 |

Everybody Comes to the ITC

In the past it was caulking guns and plastic bags. Today it's Viagra and flash memory circuits. Once the trouble hailed from Europe and Canada. Now China is the big target. But over time, most of America's intellectual property concerns get run through the Section 337 docket at the U.S. International Trade Commission.
10 minute read
September 01, 2010 |

Safe Sky

The surge of cloud computing is not risk free.
7 minute read
January 12, 2012 |

Homeless ousted from shadow of Fulton courthouse

Soapy water ran down a cement ledge Wednesday morning where dozens of homeless people had been living across Central Avenue from the Fulton County Courthouse complex until Capitol Police officers swept them away around 5 a.m.The congregation of homeless men and women, which had grown to several dozen since autumn, had drawn the concern of Fulton County court officials.
6 minute read
December 06, 2010 |

Commentary: What E-Filing Means for Appellate Attorneys

The digital revolution, already in full swing in trial courts, is moving to the courts of appeals, writes Martin J. Siegel. Changes in how lawyers file briefs and how judges and clerks read them offer new opportunities for appellate lawyers to make their case more persuasively. But they also raise important questions about new forms of writing. The record is paper, the end product is paper, and oral argument is just a person talking. Alas, that comfortable world is changing.
5 minute read
December 29, 2009 |

Issues of Proof in Climate Change Litigation

Francis J. Menton Jr., a partner at Willkie Farr & Gallagher, writes that recent reversals from the Second and Fifth Circuits will allow New York City, Mississippi property owners and environmental groups their long-awaited chance to prove in court that major emitters of carbon dioxide are causing harm to the climate, but the evidence used in these cases has been called into serious question, and the EPA actively resists having a trial where that evidence can be examined.
14 minute read
June 09, 2003 |

Judge Fines Man for Failing to Leave
5 minute read
June 28, 2007 |

Bar Increases Attendance at Annual Meeting

The State Bar of Texas used a new format for its annual meeting in San Antonio this year and drew 2,399 participants, up from 1,808 attendees at the 2006 get-together in Austin, a Bar spokeswoman says. One of the major attractions at the annual meeting was legal thriller author John Grisham's speech at the June 21 Bar Leaders' Luncheon.
5 minute read
August 01, 2007 |

Revamping Career Services

Technology tools improve student and alumni job searches.
3 minute read
March 27, 2001 |

Transaction Utopia

Over the past two decades, litigation lawyers saw litigation support technology transform their work. Now transaction lawyers also are poised to see technology transform their practices. On the leading edge are virtual deal rooms -- Web-based electronic meeting places that can cut the cycle time of a deal, maintain a secure audit trail, and reduce document handling and travel time.
10 minute read


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