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January 16, 2007 |

Out, Nardelli, and take your lousy $210 million

AH, THE AMERICAN DREAM. Get educated, work hard, succeed at your job and you will be rewarded. Or, be fired, and you could get $210 million. Home Depot Inc. bad boy Robert Nardelli became the latest personification of the irrationality of corporate overcompensation while being pushed out of those big orange doors. It's the sort of story that undermines the American sense of fair play.
4 minute read
February 22, 2008 |

Economy comes first for South Korea's new president

For more than 60 years, South Korea has been led by a tireless independence fighter, hard-nosed generals and dedicated advocates of democracy, human rights and reconciliation with communist North Korea.Now, for the first time, a man who made his name in the corporate boardroom is about to become president of a country occasionally dubbed Korea Inc.
4 minute read
June 27, 2011 |

Baker & Hostetler hit jackpot with obscure lateral hire

Because of a series of serendipitous events, Baker & Hostetler's recruitment of 65-year-old David Sheehan turned out to be arguably the most important hire in the firm's 95-year history.
7 minute read
April 15, 2010 |

Banks continue to fight revealing crisis loans

The biggest U.S. commercial banks will take their fight against disclosure of Federal Reserve lending in 2008 to the Supreme Court if necessary, the top lawyer for an industry-owned group said.Continued legal appeals will delay or block the first public look at details of the central bank's $2 trillion in emergency lending during the 2008 financial crisis.
3 minute read
May 12, 2003 |

8 minute read
February 01, 2005 |

Banks For Allah

Britain's Financial Services Authority, the country's financial watchdog, is known to be a bit stodgy. But in 2004 Clifford Chance partner Tim Plews forced the rigid banking regulators to loosen up.
5 minute read
September 29, 2011 |

Mets owners may owe $1B in Madoff fallout

The New York Mets�??? owners may still have to pay $1 billion to the trustee liquidating Bernard Madoff�???s investment firm after a judge dismissed most of the counts in his lawsuit while leaving intact the primary claims in the complaint.The trustee, Irving Picard, sought $300 million in profit and $700 million in principal from Fred Wilpon, Saul Katz and other defendants.
5 minute read
July 17, 2013 |

Realty Law Digest

Scott E. Mollen, a partner at Herrick, Feinstein, reviews recent decisions in which a trial judge was criticized by the Appellate Division for relying on material he had gathered from independent research in a foreclosure action, the Court of Appeals held that although an injury was considerable and the tortious acts intentional, punitive damages were not warranted, and more.
12 minute read
April 22, 2011 |

Banks wait for terms of foreclosure accord

Bloomberg NewsAttorneys general negotiating the settlement of a nationwide foreclosure investigation have yet to approach banks with a proposed dollar amount that would fund principal reductions for borrowers, a state official said. The states have agreed on some terms while failing so far to reach an accord on monetary payments by lenders, a person familiar with the talks said.
4 minute read
February 22, 2007 |

Lax rules haunt mortgage lenders, but who's next

THE IMPLOSION of the subprime mortgage market should be a stark reminder to investors about the risks of the lax lending standards that are fueling the corporate buyout boom.A surge in global liquidity matched with low interest rates have fed a lending bonanza in recent years, driving banks and others to ease loan requirements on everything from starter houses to multibillion-dollar corporations.
4 minute read


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