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October 18, 2004 |

Answering the Call: Texas Democratic Lawyers Join Effort to Protect the Vote

Get-out-the-attorney drives are being held in cities acorss Texas, with the hope that 1,000 Texas Democratic lawyers will enlist for legal service and go -- at their own expense -- to one of 10,000 contested precincts around the country. "We will not have an attorney-client relationship with the campaign or represent it in court proceedings," Barbara Saylers says. "We will help monitor the polls and watch for election law violations."
11 minute read
July 13, 2007 |

IP Litigation: Poised for Takeoff?

The top firms in IP Law & Business' seventh annual patent litigation survey showed a slight bump up in work last year, but lawyers are already bracing themselves for a new wave of patent litigation following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in KSR v. Teleflex. Combined with the justices' other recent patent rulings and the potential for patent reform in 2007, the litigation landscape has suddenly been transformed into uncharted territory. Are these chart-topping firms ready for the journey?
4 minute read
February 06, 2006 |

FDA Move May Aid Defense

The Food and Drug Administration may only be blowing smoke by prefacing a new drug-labeling rule with a purported pre-emption of state court suits against drug makers, but it's gotten some lawyers hopped up and others steamed.
5 minute read
July 12, 2004 |

No Interest Allowed

Muslim investors are not allowed to earn interest on their money or pay interest. So working on deals involving Muslims isn't the easiest practice area. Nevertheless, Bracewell & Patterson finance and real estate partner Alfred G. "Al" Kyle is developing a niche practice of representing banks in deals financed in part with money from Muslim investors.
7 minute read
April 19, 2012 |

Mid-Sized Firms Show Caution in Boosting Billing Rates

New York City firms raised their attorney billing rates on average by 12 percent in the last few years, the second highest change in rates among lawyers in various U.S. cities, according to a new report, which also shows that a lawyer's billing rate is determined more by law firm size and location than by status, experience or practice area.
7 minute read
May 03, 2004 |

Superior Court Makes It Clear: No Citation of Memorandums

A Superior Court panel has affirmed the court's resolution barring litigants and the court from relying on unpublished, memorandum decisions.
7 minute read
November 18, 2003 |

Gay Marriage Bar May Pave Way for Civil Union Law

A recent ruling against same-sex couples marrying in New Jersey may give impetus to legislation creating a new status of domestic partnership that does not disturb the traditional definition of marriage.
6 minute read
December 14, 2009 |

Appellate Practice

To Justice Debra Todd, it sounded like a John Grisham novel. A mysterious judge, hidden away in the lairs of the courthouse, unable to be found by an out-of-county attorney seeking to provide him with a statements of errors complained of on appeal.
4 minute read
February 23, 2004 |

A new world for accounting

Profile: Philip Rotner, U.S. general counsel of Deloitte Touche U.S.A. LLP.
5 minute read


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