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February 03, 2017 |

Trump Tells Labor Department to Halt Fiduciary Rule

President Donald Trump on Friday signed a directive telling the U.S. Labor Department to halt implementation of rules targeting conflicts of interest in the retirement-saving industry. The fiduciary rule, facing challenges in several federal courts, is set to take effect April 10.
8 minute read
January 31, 2017 |

Trump to Direct DOL to Delay Fiduciary Rule: Sources

President Donald Trump is expected to issue this week an order directing the Department of Labor to delay its fiduciary rule, according to two attorneys familiar with the matter.
5 minute read
January 23, 2017 |

Big Deals

AT&T Inc. said that it will acquire Time Warner Inc. for 
$85.4 billion in cash and stock, becoming the latest telecommunication provider to seek to scoop up an original content provider.
108 minute read
January 03, 2017 |

The Road to Recovery: How a Law Firm Tracked Down Ponzi Schemer's Lost Funds

Miami attorneys tell the story of how they recovered millions of dollars for victims of a Ponzi scheme whose mastermind squandered all but $28,000.
14 minute read
December 22, 2016 |

Widespread Tax, Regulatory Easing on Horizon Under Trump

As the Donald Trump administration and a new Congress take control in Washington, advisers can expect widespread easing of the regulatory reins around such areas as retirement, tax and investing policies. Debates are in full swing regarding the fate of the U.S. Labor Department's fiduciary rule on retirement accounts, leadership of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the anticipated full-frontal focus by the Trump administration and Congress on tax reform—both individual and corporate.
13 minute read
December 15, 2016 |

D.C. Circuit Refuses to Block Labor Dept.'s New Retirement-Savings Rules

The D.C. Circuit on Thursday refused to block Obama administration regulations that were adopted to minimize conflicts of interest in the retirement-investment industry, a significant setback for financial planners, insurance agents and other advisers who said the rule will disrupt the marketplace.
12 minute read
December 07, 2016 |

DOL Fiduciary Rule Likely Delayed, Not Derailed

At MarketCounsel Summit, industry officials urge advisors, BDs to continue compliance.
5 minute read
November 09, 2016 |

Trump, GOP Could Torpedo Fiduciary Rule, Dodd-Frank

President-elect Donald Trump's stunning victory over Hillary Clinton for the White House—coupled with the GOP majority in both chambers of Congress—could spell the end of the U.S. Labor Department's fiduciary rule and lead to the repeal of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
5 minute read
October 30, 2016 |

Deal Watch: Lobbyists Heed Call for AT&T, DFS

A look at the big firms behind the latest billion-dollars deals announced within the past week, including AT&T's proposed $108.7 billion buy of Time Warner Inc. The mega-deal, which will likely receive a robust regulatory review, should be a boon to lobbyists for both companies.
127 minute read
October 24, 2016 |

Wall Street Firms Lead on Big Brokerage Merger

Wachtell, Sullivan & Cromwell, Simpson Thacher and Fried Frank are advising on a $4 billion cash-and-stock merger that will see Scottrade be acquired by TD Ameritrade and Toronto-Dominion Bank, better known as TD Bank. The deal unites two of the largest discount brokerages in the U.S.
36 minute read


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