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April 30, 2010 |

Higher consumer spending in Q1 still lacks vigor

WASHINGTON AP - Consumers spent more and helped lift the economy last quarter but not enough to ignite the recovery and drive down unemployment.Spending by consumers rose by the fastest pace in three years, the Commerce Department said Friday . That helped the economy grow at a 3.2 percent pace in the January-to-March quarter.
4 minute read
August 18, 2008 |

Employer Spying on Family-Leave Abuses Raises Legal Hackles

A growing number of employers are hiring private investigators to spy on employees suspected of taking leave dishonestly under the Family Medical Leave Act. Management-side attorneys claim that FMLA abuses have gotten out of hand, and employers need a tool -- in this case surveillance -- to catch malingerers using FMLA improperly. And it's been pretty successful, they say, noting that private investigators in recent years have helped catch employees bowling, doing yard work or holding second jobs when they're supposed to be out on sick leave.
7 minute read
November 17, 2009 |

Longtime Collections Firm Dissolves Amid Client Lawsuits

Trauner, Cohen & Thomas, a Georgia collections firm that operated for more than 30 years, has dissolved amid litigation from former clients claiming that the firm failed to file suits on their behalf and used funds for those suits to pay its own expenses. A lawyer for the firm says its current operations are "limited to winding up its affairs."
4 minute read
November 29, 2006 |

Don't relocate... Renovate

YOU LIKE THE SCHOOLS, the neighbors are great and houses are appreciating nicely in the neighborhood. But the house is getting too small for the family, the bathrooms and kitchen are outdated and it sure would be nice to have a master suite.Or maybe the kids are gone and that extra bedroom would make a good office, or you need a space to practice yoga.
6 minute read
May 01, 2012 |

Federal Judge Says SAP Patent Infringement Case Warrants Trial

A federal judge denied SAP's motion for summary judgment in a patent infringement suit against the software giant in which, he stated in his opinion, there could be a billion dollars at stake.
4 minute read
June 02, 2000 |

Cruise Passengers Can Seek Punitives

Cruise ship passengers who contracted Legionnaires' disease on a trip to Bermuda may seek punitive damages under general maritime law, a federal magistrate judge in New York ruled. Even though sailors and their families are blocked from pursuing punitive damages under maritime law, the judge noted that passengers may collect punitive damages.
4 minute read
November 01, 2010 |

On the Job: Moves

Porsche Cars North America puts a new man behind the wheel of its legal department.
13 minute read
May 19, 2003 |

Products Liability

9 minute read
April 18, 2006 |

Guantanamo Detainees Lose Unusual Supreme Court Appeal

The Supreme Court on Monday turned down an appeal on behalf of two Chinese Muslims being held at Guantanamo Bay while the U.S. government tries to find a country to take them. The men's plight -- they might be persecuted back in China -- has posed a dilemma for courts and a public relations problem for the Bush administration. A federal judge said the detention of the ethnic Uighurs was unlawful, but courts could do nothing. Without comment, the justices declined to consider the unusual direct appeal.
3 minute read


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