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Mysteries Surround Malpractice Suit Claiming Grant & Eisenhofer Cheated Class Members with $464 Million Tyco Fee Award
Publication Date: 2010-08-04
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The malpractice and breach of contract class action filed Tuesday against Grant & Eisenhofer and name partner Jay Eisenhofer raises some troubling questions--but they're not necessarily the troubling questions the lawyers who filed the suit wanted to raise.

February 08, 2010 |

Plaintiffs Firms Mount Mass Attack on Toyota

As of Friday, Toyota had attracted more than a dozen class actions filed on behalf of consumers who allege that Toyota's failure to adequately disclose problems with its accelerator pedals amounted to fraud. Despite the rising litigation, the consumer claims face a number of obstacles, according to some law professors and defense attorneys. Consumers will have to prove actual economic damages and assert individual claims that are consistent enough to merit class certification by federal courts.
9 minute read
May 21, 2010 |

Will Lawyer for Food: Class of '09 Faces Worst Job Market in More Than a Decade

The post-graduation employment rate for the 2009 law school class fell to the lowest rate since the mid-1990s, with only 88.3 percent nationally finding a job, according to the National Association for Law Placement.
5 minute read
Judge Chin Rejects Google Digital Library Settlement with Authors and Publishers, Citing Antitrust and Copyright Concerns
Publication Date: 2011-03-22
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The judge granted preliminary approval to the settlement--which would have permitted the digitization of millions of books and granted copyright holders a share of Google's revenue--back in November 2009. But objectors to the deal, including the Justice Department, ultimately convinced Judge Chin the settlement wasn't "fair, adequate, and reasonable."

April 05, 2000 |

High-Tech Anxiety

Corporate securities litigation has never been big business in Washington, D.C. Until now. Plaintiffs' lawyers rushed to Alexandria, Va., last week to file at least 15 stock fraud class actions against Virginia-based MicroStrategy on news that the company had to dramatically restate earnings for the past two years. While the cases are not the first stockholder suits to be filed in the Eastern District, local litigators and attorneys for emerging companies see the flurry as a signal of stormy weather ahead.
6 minute read
April 29, 2013 |

Are We on the Cusp of Major E-Discovery Rule Changes?

By this time next year, we may be on the cusp of another major set of amendments to the discovery provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
5 minute read
March 08, 1999 |

Fatal Flaw: Lack of Detail Gets Aetna Shareholder Suit Dismissed

Finding that all of the plaintiffs' allegations were founded "on information and belief," a Pennsylvania federal judge on Thursday dismissed a class action shareholders' suit against Aetna Inc.
6 minute read
In Ceglia-Facebook Dispute, the Mysterious "Kasowitz Letter" Surfaces
Publication Date: 2012-11-21
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But questions remain. What happened when a Kasowitz partner determined that his client Paul Ceglia, who claims he was granted half ownership of Facebook, had fabricated evidence?

July 06, 1999 |

NYC v. NYS in Securities Suit

The pension funds for New York City and New York State are fighting over control of a massive securities fraud litigation. The litigation, which will probably combine some 40 lawsuits, stems from April's 48 percent nosedive in the stock price of McKesson HBOC Inc., the nation's largest drug wholesaler. The state and city pension funds have filed competing motions to be named as lead plaintiff in the shareholder class action. At stake: Millions of dollars in fees for the winning pension funds' legal team.
5 minute read


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