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July 21, 2006 |

On the firing line: Indicted employees

5 minute read
February 20, 2006 |

Docket Watch: February 2006

Cases coming before the Supreme Court in the coming weeks and the lawyers who will argue them. "Docket Watch" appears at the beginning of each two-week argument cycle when the high court hears cases.
7 minute read
January 17, 2002 |

Lemon Lawsuits

In what is widely considered the largest award in a "lemon law" case in the country, a Fresno, Calif., jury ordered Ford Motor Co. to pay a couple $10 million in punitive damages for selling them a defective vehicle without revealing previous mechanical problems. Lemon lawsuits are mushrooming in number, and experts say many law firms are turning to class actions because individual suits have little impact.
7 minute read
April 20, 2004 |

Lawyers Can Be Sued Over Bad Cases

If a California attorney has good reason to suspect that a lawsuit has no merit after it has been filed, he would be wise to get out while the gettin's good. On Monday, the state Supreme Court, in a case of first impression, ruled unanimously that lawyers could be sued for malicious prosecution if they continue to pursue a case after learning it isn't supported by probable cause.
4 minute read
June 11, 2007 |

Gingrich promotes policies benefiting donors

WASHINGTON AP - Potential GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has promoted public policy positions that closely track the financial interests of companies that underwrite a think tank he founded.The Center for Health Transformation is part of an elaborate consulting and communications empire Gingrich has built since he left Congress under a political cloud in January 1999.
6 minute read
December 12, 2012 |

Supreme Court Review Sought on Crucial Class Action Issues

In his Complex Litigation column, Michael Hoenig, a member of Herzfeld & Rubin, writes that some lawyers skillfully convert ordinary breach of warranty or Lemon Law or consumer fraud act claims into putative class actions of mega-proportions by naming one or two plaintiffs as "representatives" of a mass of faceless, nameless purchasers of the same or similar products.
10 minute read
November 06, 2006 |

Wiggins knows about donors-Hunstein's

5 minute read
September 30, 2013 |

Top 10 Cases on Supreme Court Docket for 2013-2014 Term

The justices face a broad range of issues, ranging from abortion to prayer in public places, campaign finance to affirmative action. Here, at a glance, are 10 of the cases most worth following.
3 minute read
October 12, 2006 |

For Wiggins, TV airtime may be hard to come by

STATE SUPREME COURT candidate J. Michael Wiggins will be hard-pressed to mount an effective television ad campaign in the expensive Atlanta media market with the money that he has raised thus far, campaign professionals said. But an independent group working against the re-election of the presiding justice Wiggins seeks to unseat, Carol W.
6 minute read


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