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April 02, 2013 |

Ford Fusion joins Chrysler's Dart posting March sales gains

Ford and Chrysler reported monthly sales gains in their home market led by models such as the Ford Fusion sedan and Dodge Dart compact.
4 minute read
September 29, 2009 |

South Korea continues to confound pessimists

There's often an inverse relationship between the number of journalists attending an event and the amount of news produced. Rather than join the army of scribes in Pittsburgh for this week's Group of 20 meeting, visit Seoul to take the pulse of one of the group's most intriguing economies. The prognosis Good, considering that just a year ago markets buzzed about South Korea becoming the next Iceland.
4 minute read
August 12, 2003 |

The Marshall Plan

A small town in Texas has become one of the hottest spots in America for patent litigation. One attorney even calls it �a lawyer�s dream.� But be careful with those out-of-state accents.
9 minute read
March 20, 2006 |

Decision summaries from the NLJ

Trust beneficiary may collect Medicaid benefits- and other decision summaries from The National Law Journal.
12 minute read
January 30, 2008 |

Automakers look to go green- inside and out

From concept cars partially made of discarded soft-drink bottles to plant-based material used in seats and upholstery, automakers are looking at ways to make their vehicles more environmentally friendly.While efforts to roll out more gas-saving hybrids, meet tougher fuel economy standards and cut tailpipe emissions get much of the attention, what goes into making cars is another key part of efforts to green the auto industry.
4 minute read
December 02, 2010 |

Japan hopes to cash in on cool image

Michelin just added to its roster of three-star eateries in Tokyo. More insights can be gleaned at the other end of Japan's food scene: the bento. Rather than go the posh route last week, I met with Makiko Itoh, the popular blogger who boasts more than 360,000 daily readers worldwide. Her new "Just Bento Cookbook" is aimed at aficionados of home-packed meals common in Japan.
4 minute read
September 24, 2012 |

Asian exporters find eager consumers in U.S.

Asia's top three exporters are again finding American consumers a boon as their economies slow. Japan, for example, has seen exports to the U.S. jump 17 percent this year.
5 minute read
December 07, 2007 |

The Korean Alien Penumbra Conundrum

William Bedsworth discusses how London and Lincoln, Neb., are pretty much the same, and how notliving in France is apparently an inalienable right.
10 minute read
June 17, 2003 |

The Marshall Plan

Marshall, Texas, is one of the hottest venues in the country for patent litigation, with cases featuring such big names as Cisco Systems and Intel. A few ingredients make Marshall a tasty location for the patent bar: U.S. District Judge T. John Ward, who appears to have an affinity for patent cases; Ward's set of patent rules, which helps get cases to trial quickly; and a jury pool that tends to favor plaintiffs.
9 minute read
December 13, 2007 |

Judge rejects automakers' lawsuit, says California has authority to regulate vehicle emissions

California scored a major victory Wednesday in its bid to be a player in the fight against global warming, as a federal judge ruled that the state has the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars.
4 minute read
