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Let's See Kaplan Kick the Third Rail of Shareholder Litigation
Publication Date: 2012-05-16
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No one expects executives to suffer any personal financial consequences when they're sued by shareholders. Except, perhaps, Manhattan U.S. district judge Lewis Kaplan. The judge has expressed concerns about a $90 million no-consequences settlement with former Lehman officers that will be paid entirely out of D&O insurance, and wants to know more about the defendants' wealth.

March 07, 2011 |

First Governments ... Then Your Company? Keep Watching the Web

The FBI, with the support of the Obama administration, wants more power to wiretap the internet -- social media sites in particular. And that's just the tip of the digital iceberg, according to attorney Douglas Wood. Where does this leave legal counsel for companies with operations worldwide, increasingly dependent on social networks and the internet? Wood has a few proactive moves worth considering.
6 minute read
June 14, 2012 |

Dispatches from ALM's 2012 General Counsel Conference

Corporate Counsel executive editor David Hechler mingled with the in-house crowd at ALM's 24th annual General Counsel Conference and sent back reports of some highlights from the two-day event.
8 minute read
November 06, 2012 |

Wilson Sonsini Advising Netflix as Icahn Circles Media Company

The Silicon Valley-based Am Law 100 firm is advising its longtime client Netflix, which adopted a poison pill on Monday to ward off a potential takeover bid by activist investor Carl Icahn, who recently bought almost 10 percent of the on-demand streaming media and movie rental company.
4 minute read
August 01, 2004 |

A Fixer, First-Class

In this engaging, closely observed biography, David McKean, who holds a senior staff position in the U.S. Senate, has brilliantly chronicled the life and law practice of Thomas G. Corcoran, Esq. Franklin Roosevelt labeled Corcoran "Tommy the Cork," and it stuck. Notwithstanding some of the vapor emanated by Tommy, this is not a rags to riches story, nor is it the emergence of a downtrodden Irish Catholic boy making good.
9 minute read
February 01, 2013 |

DOJ's Breuer leaving after 4 years of big wins, losses

As one of the longest-serving leaders of the U.S. Justice Department's Criminal Division, Lanny Breuer has overseen some of the highest-profile cases in the country's history. On March 1, after nearly four years at the helm, Breuer is planning to leave his post.
7 minute read
December 29, 1999 |

Short-Term Loans Bridging Cash Gap In Available High-Yield Debt Finance

It's been a dismal year for high-yield debt financing. End-of-the-year jitters, interest rate fluctuations and an inexplicable flight of cash from bond funds have left many companies scrambling to raise money using other forms of financing. To fill the financing gap, lawyers are structuring an increasing number of short-term, "bridge" loans.
5 minute read
August 14, 1999 |

Drafting Mathematical Algorithm Claims

The Federal Circuit recently ruled in AT&T Corp v. Excel Communications Inc.that a mathematical algorithm performed on a computer satisfies the statutory subject matter requirement for patentability when the process is useful and directed to a practical application. While the utility requirement for computer-method claims has long been recognized, other issues, such as whether claims must also be limited to a practical application of the claimed method, have been evolving.
5 minute read
April 29, 2003 |

Senate Banking Committee Examines Hedge Funds

A number of Senate Banking Committee members believe that Congress needs to examine whether hedge funds should come under expanded SEC regulation. At a recent hearing on hedge fund developments, committee Chairman Richard Shelby said that the growth of an indirect retail market and other recent industry trends pose a number of investor protection concerns.
5 minute read


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