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March 24, 2010 |

Going Solo? Get a Practice Management System

With a minimum of cost and effort, you can project an image of professionalism while having the confidence that your practice is being well managed. Say hello to practice management software -- your new best friend.
4 minute read
December 02, 2004 |

Trademark Lawsuits: The Price of Online Griping

The Internet serves as a haven of outcry for disgruntled customers who create "gripe sites" aimed at their company of choice. The companies have cried foul, and are calling their antagonists to court for trademark infringement. Critics of the lawsuits, like Paul Levy of the Public Citizen Litigation Group, say they're being used to "suppress perfectly legitimate, noncommercial speech."
8 minute read
Fujitsu Comes Up Empty Against Rivals in Koh's Courtroom
Publication Date: 2012-12-17
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In its infringement suit against three competitors, Fujitsu hoped to have some of the same magic in Judge Lucy Koh's courtroom that Apple enjoyed against Samsung. But after a two-week trial, jurors quickly rejected Fujitsu's claims.

Federal Circuit Affirms Invalidity of Bayer Patent on Birth Control Pill
Publication Date: 2009-08-05
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The drug at issue, Yasmin, not only prevents pregnancy but also offers the desirable side effect of reducing bloating. But a federal district court ruled that Bayer's patented technique for increasing the absorption of a key ingredient was obvious, given the prior art.

Despite Ick Factor, Abbott Beats Back More Claims over Baby Formula Tainted with Bug Bits
Publication Date: 2011-07-25
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"Tainted baby formula" has a terrifying ring to it, and it would seem tailor-made for a mass tort. But Abbott's lawyers at Patterson Belknap are doing their best to keep a tight lid on their client's liability.

Chevron Wins Arbitration Ruling in Endless Ecuador Fight
Publication Date: 2013-09-18
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As it continues to battle a $19 billion Ecuadorian judgment in the U.S. and abroad, Chevron and its lawyers at King & Spalding claimed a major victory in their arbitration with Ecuador related to legacy oil pollution in the Amazon.

June 15, 2009 |


4 minute read
February 27, 2004 |

More Firms Using PACs for Congressional Access

Like it or not, campaign giving is essential to maintaining friendly relations with lawmakers. And as the pressure to give intensifies, more firms are looking to PACs as a way to manage donations. A PAC offers a useful mechanism for a firm to tap into the wallets of its attorneys outside the Beltway. By aggregating contributions from attorneys and lobbyists at a firm, a PAC reinforces a firm�s name recognition on Capitol Hill. But creating a strong PAC is by no means an easy task.
10 minute read
February 24, 2006 |

No. 1 Task for Shearman Leader: Keeping the Firm in the Top Tier

With its illustrious history and posh name, Shearman & Sterling strikes many as the epitome of the patrician, white-shoe New York law firm. But the past few years have seen the 1,013-lawyer firm's image tarnished by associate layoffs, partner departures and signs of internal dissent, all capped by a profitability gap between Shearman and its erstwhile peers. Now the firm may be enjoying a fresh start, due partly to firm leader Rohan Weerasinghe and a 22 percent jump in profits per partner.
16 minute read
January 31, 2006 |

Biggest Losses

8 minute read


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