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January 19, 2005 |

Immigration Appeals Continue to Overwhelm Federal Courts

Immigration appeals are swamping the federal courts. There are many reasons for the sudden surge. This article analyzes some of those reasons and suggests possible solutions.
7 minute read
October 06, 2010 |

What Do Attorneys Wish Their Paralegals Knew?

I read a lot of magazines and newspapers of varying genres and I am always drawn to the articles with headlines like "What your insurance agent doesn't want you to know" and "What your flight attendant will never tell you" and "Your mechanic wished you would ... ."
6 minute read
September 01, 2010 |

Legal Blogs Are Dead! Long Live Legal Blogs!

Attorney Robert J. Ambrogi heard that blogs are dead in the legal profession. Indeed, he declares legal blogging alive, well and thriving. Since the future is foretold by the new, Ambrogi highlights recently launched blogs, all of which show continuing vitality in the blawgosphere.
6 minute read
January 29, 2010 |

LegalTech Descends on New York

As improvements in information technology continue to impact e-discovery, online research, case and matter management, and time and billing software, lawyers are better equipped to render quality legal services, retain more clients, and master the business of law. What are the next improvements in IT for the legal profession? Technology Editor Sean Doherty previews the advances expected to share the spotlight at LegalTech New York, being held Feb. 1-3.
10 minute read
September 14, 2009 |


2 minute read
May 22, 2006 |

Document Management Options for Small Firms

Document management systems are generally designed for large firms with IT departments that have resources to devote to the software. But small firms have options as well. Consultant Storm Evans examines several different document management programs from the perspective of a smaller firm, taking into account price, ease of installation and use, and other factors that can help a solo or small firm compete on a higher level.
5 minute read
November 15, 2011 |

E-Discovery Pricing Strikes Back

My commentary from last week, "The Dark Side of E-Discovery Pricing," elicited many responses via email and on our site. The consensus: Pricing is a real problem and everybody knows it. "Count me in for such a discussion. The inflation in vendor models is preposterous and untenable," wrote attorney Benjamin Semel, of Pryor Cashman, in New York. "There's a disconnect right now between vendor pricing, firm needs and client limits. Vendor pricing models may work for very small cases, but are ridiculous and ... [MORE]
6 minute read
October 06, 2009 |

Google Book Settlement Is Devoid of Demand to Protect Buyer Data

David Bender, a solo practitioner, writes that although the 141-page proposed settlement between Google and owners of U.S. copyrights in books holds great detail regarding other matters, it contains nothing explicit regarding such matters as what personal data Google may collect, how it may be used, how it must be secured, and to whom and under what conditions it may be disclosed for what purposes. Three consumer advocacy groups recently advanced a substantial list of requirements they believe necessary to protect user privacy, but the settlement is not without its proponents on the privacy issues.
8 minute read
May 30, 2007 |

Keeping Current Can Be Hard to Do for Law Librarians

Hofstra University law librarian Tricia Kasting says she's always picking up trivia, which is a useful habit as she tries to keep current in her profession. Keeping current has two parts: the awareness of new or changing resources and the appreciation of possible uses for your institution. As technology modifies traditional responsibilities, this awareness crosses more lines and covers more topics than ever. Kasting describes how she integrates the goal of keeping current into her regular duties.
4 minute read
February 21, 2008 |

Business Continuity Resolves Major and Minor Catastrophes

You rarely hear the words "disaster recovery" any more, due to a heightened understanding that we need to plan for more than natural disasters. Surprisingly minor or localized events can have substantial impact on business operations -- and occur more frequently, and deserve attention.
5 minute read


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