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Irell's Chu Defends $490 Million TiVo Deal
Publication Date: 2013-06-09
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Were investors wrong to punish TiVo for capping its litigation campaign against the digital television industry with a $490 million settlement?

October 30, 2003 |

Firms Seek Big Names for Senior Advisers, Law Degrees Optional

They are often the biggest names at their law firms. Well-credentialed and well-connected, they are ideally situated to be rainmakers -- but J.D.s or not, they're not lawyers. Instead, they belong to the growing ranks of senior advisers, brought on to guide firms through non-legal intricacies of various markets and to provide access to prospective clients. And in the view of Covington & Burling's Stuart Eizenstat, it's the wave of the globalized future.
7 minute read
February 15, 2006 |

Meet the DotCommunist

Columbia Law professor Eben Moglen believes "the bourgeoisie" -- namely, Microsoft, The Walt Disney Co., the WTO, the U.S. Congress and the European Commission -- form "an unholy alliance" controlling culture and information. And he advocates for the abolition of all IP laws. But he's no Marxist. This self-proclaimed "dotCommunist," who just happens to have some of the world's biggest tech companies paying his bills, sits at the forefront of a growing political technology movement. Its goal? Free software.
10 minute read
March 28, 2005 |

Top Attorneys Tapped for High Court Tech Cases

Scheduled for argument at the Supreme Court on Tuesday are the widely-watched Grokster case, which asks whether peer-to-peer downloading of songs and movies violates copyright protections, and a second case that may determine which regulatory regime should govern cable Internet services. The cases have attracted top intellectual property and telecommunications lawyers -- all but one a former high court law clerk -- who are eager to participate in what could be landmarks of the digital age.
10 minute read
April 01, 2010 |

On the Job

2 minute read
December 22, 2003 |

Developments in the Substantive Law

Administrative, alternative dispute resolution, antitrust, appellate, banking, bankruptcy, business, constitutional, criminal defense, criminal prosecution, elder law, energy, environmental, family law, health care, immigration, insurance, intellectual, labor and employment, personal injury, real estate, school law, securities, tax law.
36 minute read
April 20, 2006 |

What Should a Nonparty Know in the Post-'Zubulake' World?

With the brouhaha over electronic discovery, the obligations of nonparties likely to possess data relevant to a case have gotten lost in the shuffle. The uncertainty surrounding the world of e-discovery, coupled with the risks of failing -- even inadvertently -- to satisfy one's legal obligations create a conundrum for nonparties. Grant J. Esposito, a litigation partner and member of Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw's e-discovery and records management group, examines the duties and expectations of nonparties.
9 minute read
February 12, 2010 |

Unpublished Opinions

Unpublished state and federal court cases.
44 minute read
September 17, 2010 |

Unpublished Opinions

Unpublished state and federal court decisions.
43 minute read
August 25, 2000 |

Industry Groups Knock 'Napster' Ruling

Several Internet industry coalitions and trade groups representing companies such as America Online, Yahoo and Intel filed amicus briefs in the recording industry's lawsuit against Napster. The groups are concerned that the district court's preliminary injunction against the company could impose copyright policing responsibilities on Internet service providers.
3 minute read


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