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Big En Banc Day at the Federal Circuit: Court Hears Arguments in Therasense Inequitable Conduct Case, EchoStar Contempt Appeal
Publication Date: 2010-11-09
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You couldn't ask for a whole lot more excitement (at least for patent lawyers) than Tuesday's double feature. In the morning: arguments in Therasense v. Becton Dickinson, the case that is widely expected to redefine standards for the inequitable conduct claims that have swamped the courts in recent years. And in the afternoon: EchoStar's last, best chance to get out from under a $100 million contempt ruling in its epic infringement fight with TiVo.

Apple Files for Summary Judgment In Eminem Infringement Case
Publication Date: 2008-07-18
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Bergstein Lawyer Says $50 Million Verdict Is 'Tremendous' News for Film Financier's Case Against Stroock
Publication Date: 2012-08-22
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A Los Angeles jury handed film financier David Bergstein a big win this week in his case against attorney Susan Tregub. And according to one of Bergstein's lawyers, the verdict is also very good news for his separate suit against Stroock & Stroock & Lavan and others.

Bank of America Settles Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Mortgage Claims for $2.8 Billion
Publication Date: 2011-01-03
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The deal, which comes before the agency that oversees Fannie and Freddie filed any suit against BofA, is the best indicator to date of the potential value of buyback claims against issuers of mortgage-backed securities. The bad news for investors? Analysts say BofA's $2.8 billion payout is a bargain for the bank.

Rambus Clears (Some) Entries in Its Endless Docket
Publication Date: 2009-06-12
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We could devote a whole blog to the litigation warhorse that is Rambus Inc., but in the interest of diversity (and our sanity), we've settled for occasional roundups as events warrant. That time, loyal readers, has come again, with a pair of recent developments that lend at least a tiny bit of clarity to Rambus's long-term prospects.

Banks Face More Setbacks in Megabucks Credit Union Cases
Publication Date: 2013-09-13
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In the latest win for the National Credit Union Administration, financial institutions including Royal Bank of Scotland and Wells Fargo lost a bid to dodge claims that they duped Kansas-based U.S. Central Federal Credit Union into pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into residential mortgage-backed securities.

April 27, 2010 |

Federal Circuit to rehear case involving conduct before patent office

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit recently ordered an en banc rehearing of a case to hash out whether the court should change the standard for when a lawyer's conduct before a patent office can disqualify a patent or some of its claims.
4 minute read
October 18, 2004 |

Supreme Court Short List: If Kerry Wins ...

Even without knowing precisely who would be named to the Supreme Court under a President Kerry, one thing is certain -- his justices would be very different from President Bush's: less ideological, less hostile to constitutional privacy rights and more likely to take each case on its own terms. And as Jeff Bleich, Brian Hochleutner and Sam Weinstein write, Kerry's actual choices would inevitably depend on when a vacancy occurs and who is doing the vacating.
8 minute read
February 09, 2007 |

Corporate Counsel Are Reaping the Benefits of Private Equity Boom

Awash in cash and business, private equity firms are rushing to hire in-house lawyers. There's no official count, but the numbers of PE corporate counsel appear to be way up -- with more increases expected. For those caught up in the new boomtown cycle, there's a palpable excitement at being the "it" lawyers of the moment, and the opportunities appear endless. Another big plus: In contrast to the typical in-house scenario, attorneys who move into private equity firms aren't sacrificing cash.
15 minute read
September 07, 2001 |

'Bush v. Gore' Lives On

Federal judges in three states have rejected motions to dismiss voting rights cases based on Bush v. Gore, and one, in California, specifically pointed to the decision. The suits claim that the punch-card voting system, the type that earned notoriety in Florida, violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. The cases have brought sharply divergent responses from a bench that got little guidance from the high court.
8 minute read


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